PYO #3 — Apache plume

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    So here’s my third pyo dragon (#2 is on a break right now)… she’s based on a plant called an apache plume that has white rose-type flowers & white & pink plumes. The plumes are represented on her belly and there are leaves all over her body. The older stems/branches arer grey and the smaller/younger ones are white & powdery (these are her back & wing spines). I’ve done some antiquing (I suck at it—too timid) and if I liked the flower better I’d say she was done. (This is the 5th flower…pretty soon the paint will be so thick it’ll really stand out.)


    The wispies on her belly and the leaves are lovely, and the flower on her coiled tail is a really clever idea. Nicely done! I had to chuckle, though, at such a pretty representation of an Apache plume. I had one in the yard at my old house. Beautiful plant . . . one of my favorites . . . but those spreading rhizomes had me jumping up and down in frustration. The darned thing was determined to take over the whole garden! I swore that if I ever planted another I was going to enclose it in a concrete moat.

    Your dragon is much nicer than my plant, and if she chooses to take over the garden she’ll be much nicer about it. 😉


      Im lovin the belly and the flower on the tail, too. What a neat idea for such a wretched place! Very nicely done!


        This is such a neat idea for a dragon. I love how you can jsut barely see the branches/stems on the scales.


        I agree with pegasi1978–neat idea! 🙂


        Barrdwing wrote:

        The wispies on her belly and the leaves are lovely, and the flower on her coiled tail is a really clever idea. Nicely done! I had to chuckle, though, at such a pretty representation of an Apache plume. I had one in the yard at my old house. Beautiful plant . . . one of my favorites . . . but those spreading rhizomes had me jumping up and down in frustration. The darned thing was determined to take over the whole garden! I swore that if I ever planted another I was going to enclose it in a concrete moat.

        Your dragon is much nicer than my plant, and if she chooses to take over the garden she’ll be much nicer about it. 😉

        hehe-that made me chuckle. 😆


        What Ski said. I really like it.


          Very nicely done!!! I love the flower idea!!!! 😀


            Very nice! 😀


            Thanks everyone! My pictures are so huge! 🙁 It shows all the flaws way up in your face! (Is there an easy way to reduce pic size, or do I need to go in to paintshop? which shouldn’t be a big deal, but it’s on the other computer. 🙄 *grin*)


            I love the chest/belly scales!!!


            I love the flower idea on the tail and I think that is my favorite part.

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