Purplecat tutorial?

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        I’m not real sure where to post this…

        Purplecat, I was wondering if you would give us (me 😳 ) a tutorial on airbrushing…

        twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



        That would be nice, since I have one and am to “gun shy” to use it! 😯
        I know Kujacker uses an airbrush too. πŸ˜‰


        WindstoneCollector wrote:

        That would be nice, since I have one and am to “gun shy” to use it! 😯

        Ditto! Mine hasn’t been out of its box in a very long time. 😳 I actually had some of the airbrush paints in my hand at the store the other night, speculating…….and then chickening out. πŸ™„ (plucka plucka…)


          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          That would be nice, since I have one and am to “gun shy” to use it! 😯
          I know Kujacker uses an airbrush too. πŸ˜‰

          Only on big parts πŸ˜‰ All my dragons are hand painted and so are my ki-rins and wolves… I actually really dislike using airbrushes (too much clean up and bother!!), so I’m trying to go all brush… even on the big gryphons! 😯

          I love Purplecat’s airbrushing though!


            😯 😯 😯 😯 Wha…..???? Oh my…I never even thought of putting one together. I suppose I could take a whack at it if you guys are really that interested. I didnt realize my airbrushing was so well liked! 😯


            I’d appreciate one to look at in the future but I don’t have an airbrush, my mum does. Maybe if she doesn’t use it I can steal it…. ah, I mean… buy it… yes… *shifty eyes*


              Of course, your air-brushing is well-like just think of that Rose Gold Lap and Fledgling you painted that I have – gorgeos


                I’d love to see a tutorial too! πŸ˜€


                  purplecat wrote:

                  😯 😯 😯 😯 Wha…..???? Oh my…I never even thought of putting one together. I suppose I could take a whack at it if you guys are really that interested. I didnt realize my airbrushing was so well liked! 😯

                  It would be great if you would…. I’m very much a ‘learn by watching’ sorta person. I don’t have an airbrush yet but would like one eventually. Being able to actually watch the process would be awesome. Either put together a tutorial or I’ll have to steal you from your family for awhile so that you can teach me… (jkg πŸ˜† ) A tutorial on youtube would be great or have it put on a dvd; that would work too (OMG! I just re-read this and boy so I sound like I have a terminal case of the ‘bossies’ 😯 😳 (pain meds do that to me 😳 )




                    Dragon87 wrote:

                    I’d appreciate one to look at in the future but I don’t have an airbrush, my mum does. Maybe if she doesn’t use it I can steal it…. ah, I mean… buy it… yes… *shifty eyes*

                    You have to say: borrow it. Long-term loan.

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      twindragonsmum wrote:

                      purplecat wrote:

                      😯 😯 😯 😯 Wha…..???? Oh my…I never even thought of putting one together. I suppose I could take a whack at it if you guys are really that interested. I didnt realize my airbrushing was so well liked! 😯

                      It would be great if you would…. I’m very much a ‘learn by watching’ sorta person. I don’t have an airbrush yet but would like one eventually. Being able to actually watch the process would be awesome. Either put together a tutorial or I’ll have to steal you from your family for awhile so that you can teach me… (jkg πŸ˜† ) A tutorial on youtube would be great or have it put on a dvd; that would work too (OMG! I just re-read this and boy so I sound like I have a terminal case of the ‘bossies’ 😯 😳 (pain meds do that to me 😳 )


                      I’m a “learn by watching” type too…also a “learn by doing” which contributes hugely to many of my catastrophic messes that have happened at our house. I’ll be sure to try and put something together, it may take a bit though, as I’ll want to use lots of pics. πŸ™‚


                      dragonmedley wrote:

                      Dragon87 wrote:

                      I’d appreciate one to look at in the future but I don’t have an airbrush, my mum does. Maybe if she doesn’t use it I can steal it…. ah, I mean… buy it… yes… *shifty eyes*

                      You have to say: borrow it. Long-term loan.

                      Doesn’t that fall under steal??

                      She’s also 5 hours away and I’m in a small-ish apartment so that airbrush is probably safer with my mum.

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