Got woken back up at a ridiculous hour (after being up to 3 lol with her) to 2 more puppies. So yay Purplecat you guessed the number right! *throws confetti at Purplecat* They’re both blue mrle girls, so 2 boys (1 red tri- yup in the light of day they’re red- and 1 blue merle) and 5 girls (1 black tri, 1 red tri, 1 red merle, and 2 blue merles). Everyone seems healthy, and Abby seems VERY relieved to have that over and be able to move again- she’s been jumping on and off the couch and bed like she hasn’t been able to 😆 (when not being mom).
Here’s a lousy pic each of the blue merle girls:
And proud (but worn out) mom:
I’ll post pics of the individual pups in another reply so as to not overwhelm this page.