Pumpkin Pie Recipe….

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        Ok…here’s the first part….getting the pumpkin ready..

        hint: Use a regular carving pumpkin, most of the ones that are called “pie” pumpkins…have a thicker skin, and are a real boogar to cut…carving pumpkins are easier to cut…and tast just as good….

        hint2: A large pumpkin can make a lot of pies….even up to 6…on this pie recipe it can fill 2 graham cracker crusts perfectly….

        this is for Honeyed pumpkin…it’s the base for the pie..but can also be served as a side dish like mashed potatos…or something like that…it’s good

        Honeyed Pumpkin

        1 4-pound pumpkin
        2 tablespoons honey
        4 cups water
        1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
        1 teaspoon salt
        2 tablespoons butter or margarine

        1. With sharp knife, cut pumpkin into quarters. Remove seeds and stringy portions.

        2. In 4-quart saucepan over high heat, heat pumpkin, water asn salt until boiling: reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 25-30 minutes until the pumpkin is fork tender.

        3. Drain pumpkin. Cool, scoop flesh from peel into same saucepan. With potato masher or slotted spoon, mash pumpkin: drain well.

        4. Over low heat, heat pumpkin about 3 minutes, shaking pan occassionally to evaporate excess liquid. Stir in butter, honey and allspice: mix well.

        hint3: I follow the directions to a point….basically I act like I’m making mashed potatoes…you test the flesh like you test potatoes…I let it boil until it’s tender instead of letting it simmer till it’s tender….I sit the boiled pieces in a strainer to let them drain till they are cooled then mash them up really good…and when I add the butter, honey and allspice….I keep mashing instead of stirring….then after it’s all cooled I put it in the freezer till I’m ready to make pies….

        Pumpkin Pie

        2 ready made graham cracker crusts (substituted for flour crust)
        3 eggs separated
        2 cups pumpkin (1 16oz can for ski)
        1 cup evaporated milk
        1 cup sugar
        1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
        1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
        1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
        1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
        1/4 teaspoon salt

        1. Get pie crust ready…do the decorative sides if using flour crust. Preheat oven to 375 F

        2. In small bowl with mixer at high speed, beat egg whites until soft peaks form.

        3. In large bowl with same beaters and with mixer at low speed, beat together egg yolks, pumpking and next 7 ingredients until well blended.

        4. With wire whisk or rubber spatula, gently fold beaten egg whites into pumpkin mixture.

        5. Pour mixture into pie crusts. ( will evenly divide into 2 graham cracker crusts, but in 9 in flour crust there will be a little left over that if you make another batch will combine with new batch to make 2 pies…so in total 3 flour crust pies)

        6. Bake 45 minutes until fill is set and knife inserted comes out clean. Refridgerate. ( it’s best served warm…but it has to be kept in the fridge) 45 min is usually just perfect…the knife doesn’t have to be perfectly clean..




          Cool! Thanks so much!


            Ooooh, I’m so gonna try this this weekend…thanks frozen!!

            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
            -J R R Tolkien


              Well, I tried it this weekend!!! It’s delicious!!! Thank you Frozen!!! 😀 (even if I did use canned pumpkin)


                Well, I finally got around to doing this…they’re out of the oven and cooling now…I hope I did okay! 0_o First pie I’ve ever baked…

                "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                -J R R Tolkien


                  cool….they are really good warm with a little whipped cream….hehe

                  I’ll be doing them tomorrow….among a ton of other things….


                    Forgot to follow up – they turned out great! 😀 Thanks Frozen!!

                    "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                    -J R R Tolkien


                      cool…that is good….I made 4 of them…there’s only one left….

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