puffin cats

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    Melody, are there going to be any more puffin cats? The store is out and one just sold on ebay for $200 😮 . I would like one but not for that price! :nea: ( I have a second chance offer for one for that price, but that’s almost 8 times what the store sold them for. So, are there going to be any more ?


      I would love to see more! They’re so adorable, but I missed out on them when they were in the store 🙁


      Aren’t those two kitties good sellers? The cats seem to be WIndstone’s most popular pieces.


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Aren’t those two kitties good sellers? The cats seem to be WIndstone’s most popular pieces.

        Yes they are good sellers.


          drgnlvr wrote:

          Melody, are there going to be any more puffin cats? The store is out and one just sold on ebay for $200 😮 . I would like one but not for that price! :nea: ( I have a second chance offer for one for that price, but that’s almost 8 times what the store sold them for. So, are there going to be any more ?

          Yes, we are going to cast more.


            I just recently bought both Tiger and Puffin a little while ago from this store http://www.magicalomaha.com/pena1.htm
            I don’t know how may they had or even if they have anymore right now, but it’s worth giving it a try if you can’t wait 😀 .


            The store is “out of stock” right now, that’s why I asked if there were going to be anymore cast, and I’m so glad Melody said that there were going to be more. Hurray!! 😀

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