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    mimitrek wrote:

    emerald212 wrote:

    Oh, I just went back to Elfwood and looked through all the photos. I love that Wizard’s House! I would buy that. Please finish that project, Melody!

    I second!

    I third it.


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      The Llama is cool! πŸ™‚
      But I want that Wizard’s house!!! I saw that one a while ago on a search in Google…Along with the horned Flion…Darn sticky fingered people! I am still wishing my wish of seeing one on my shelf…But now I want that House too!!! Grrr πŸ˜†
      Melody, I think you should make the Wizard’s house! But in time…No rush! πŸ˜† Besides, it gives me something to dream about! I finally have all of Gary’s castles (I never thought I’d like Weinburg, but I do and Hawks is in the mail…*waits impatiently*)! Now I need one from you! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

      I am “working on” both the Llama and the Wizard’s castle. Someday we’ll produce ’em.
      ( “Working on” is a phrase that I have changed the definition of.I use it to mean the sculptures are sitting out where I could work on them if I had time. “Not working on them” means I can’t even find the unfinished sculpture. Like the Phoenix, for example)


      πŸ˜† At least there’s hope for the Wizard’s house.


      Yep, It is hopeful. Notice she says Phoenix was there at some point. πŸ˜€


      That’d be cool too – but she can’t make a lot of progress if she can’t find the sculpt. πŸ˜†


        Hatching llama!!!! Yay!!!! πŸ˜†


          The phoenix is actually finished. It was intended to be a stone finish candle sconce,with the glowing eyes. We decided that Phoenixes need color, so we went “eh”, and packed it away… somewhere.


          Melody, never go “eh”! You know someone will love it! 😯 πŸ˜†


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Melody, never go “eh”! You know someone will love it! 😯 πŸ˜†

            Ya, shame on you! If you make it, someone here will buy it…and then when we all see how cute it is in person, we will ALL buy it! 8) But that’s so cool you ACTUALLY sculpted a Phoenix! They’re so wispy, I’d have loved to see how he looked, ready for gypsum


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Melody, never go “eh”! You know someone will love it! 😯 πŸ˜†

              You have NO IDEA how many pieces she says that for……I try to keep telling her….WE WILL BUY IT! LET US HAVE IT!!! She only listens “sometimes” :lol:….


                I’m also throwing in a MAJOR SQUEEEEAAAKKK for the Wizard’s House!! *but you know I’ll buy anything you throw at me…. πŸ˜• :lol:*


                  Melody wrote:

                  The phoenix is actually finished. It was intended to be a stone finish candle sconce,with the glowing eyes. We decided that Phoenixes need color, so we went “eh”, and packed it away… somewhere.

                  😯 😯 *does anxious happy dance, and starts hyperventilating*

                  😯 A Pheonix?! Pheonix!….candle sconce……ahhhhh!!!!!! I volunteer to come down and spend time finding it for you!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

                  AHHH! Neeed..a…pheonix…windstone..anything!


                  Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                  I’m also throwing in a MAJOR SQUEEEEAAAKKK for the Wizard’s House!! *but you know I’ll buy anything you throw at me…. πŸ˜• :lol:*

                  You are gonna need a major Snake to get rid of that Squeak. πŸ˜†


                    dragonessjade wrote:

                    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                    I’m also throwing in a MAJOR SQUEEEEAAAKKK for the Wizard’s House!! *but you know I’ll buy anything you throw at me…. πŸ˜• :lol:*

                    You are gonna need a major Snake to get rid of that Squeak. πŸ˜†

                    She had been starved for more than a couple months…she’ll eat anything!

                    Louis fed her the other day and said the mouse barely hit the bottom of the box before it was toast! And that she almost punched a hole in the side of the box she struck so hard! 😯

                    Not to digress or anything πŸ˜‰


                    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                    dragonessjade wrote:

                    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                    I’m also throwing in a MAJOR SQUEEEEAAAKKK for the Wizard’s House!! *but you know I’ll buy anything you throw at me…. πŸ˜• :lol:*

                    You are gonna need a major Snake to get rid of that Squeak. πŸ˜†

                    She had been starved for more than a couple months…she’ll eat anything!

                    Louis fed her the other day and said the mouse barely hit the bottom of the box before it was toast! And that she almost punched a hole in the side of the box she struck so hard! 😯

                    Not to digress or anything πŸ˜‰
                    Wow, that was one hungry snake. So you keep her in a box or a tank?

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