
PT's Art -WIPs – June 29 (pg. 11)

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  • #801017

      The color scheme on that fairy dragon is just beautiful! ๐Ÿ™‚ Nice work!

      I want to like the centaur more than I do, sorry…just feels like the upper part is too big for the horse body to me. But the face is just great!


      Adaneth wrote:

      just feels like the upper part is too big for the horse body to me. But the face is just great!

      I have to agree with this for the centaur… that his upper body is too big for his horse half. He’d fall over if he was that big, methinks. And I too, love the face. ๐Ÿ™‚

      But I LOVE the fairy dragon! He’s so cute! ๐Ÿ˜€


        I really like the Dragon fairy… I would buy something like that!


          WHOA! I love them both, but that Centaur is freaking amazing!


            Want the fairy dragon!! ๐Ÿ˜€


              Oo, I love that fairy dragon! I really like its Siamese coloring. Very pretty!


                I totally agree with you guys – his upper part is out of proportion ๐Ÿ™„ .When dealing with centaur anatomy, you kinda throw anatomical accuracy out the window. But with that said, I do wish his humanoid part came out a little smaller. The problem is that the armature he’s sculpted over was perfectly proportioned to the horse half. But when I added the clay, it made it made it a little larger than I wanted it. I’m still learning, so hopefully my next centaur will come out looking better ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

                Dragon87 wrote:

                Adaneth wrote:

                just feels like the upper part is too big for the horse body to me. But the face is just great!

                I have to agree with this for the centaur… that his upper body is too big for his horse half. He’d fall over if he was that big, methinks. And I too, love the face. ๐Ÿ™‚

                But I LOVE the fairy dragon! He’s so cute! ๐Ÿ˜€


                  I have enjoyed your dragons, especially the sea one. I love the wings on the fairy one!
                  I’m with the others- I really like the face on your centaur; I like him in general. But his humanoid part looks disproportionate. His forearms are what grabbed me as being most out of proportion- they’d feel better to me if they were a little shorter in relation to the rest of him.
                  I still bow to your talent- I can’t sculpt a worm!


                    I love the Fiary Dragon too!

                    The Centaur freaks me out some…. I don’t want it to crawl onto my arm. Alien-ish but really really a cool sculpt LOL



                      Poems wrote:

                      I love the Fiary Dragon too!

                      The Centaur freaks me out some…. I don’t want it to crawl onto my arm. Alien-ish but really really a cool sculpt LOL


                      LOL..DITTO !!! ๐Ÿ˜€



                        Well, I’ve been busy sculpting and have a lot of critters in varying stages of progress. My most recently completed sculpt looks like the love-child of Falcor the Luck Dragon and the Pink Panther. I call her Pretty Petal. The eyes are from Dreaming Tree studios and her mane is real rabbit fur. I originally was going to sculpt a mane, but I wanted this dragon to be as soft looking as possible. I also really paid a lot attention to the eye placement. I wanted her to look like she was looking at you. More stuff to come soon.


                          Oh my gosh I LOVE HER!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ *Faints*


                          ahhhh!! how freaking awesome is that!? i LOVE Falcor and this rocks. very, very well done…. and.. by the way, any more thoughts on selling your sculpts? ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿ˜€




                              What a fantastic piece of work! Pink isn’t my color but I love everything else about it! ๐Ÿ˜€

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