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      I guess I’m odd, because I really loved college. I must have; I’m still there! But now I’m the teacher.

      There is still a lot of stress on my side of the equation too. I worry that students won’t get their papers in on time – and I shouldn’t because it’s not my problem (but I still do). I feel bad when a student fails. I also worry that I’m not telling them everything they need to know – when most of the time I can repeat things five times and they still won’t remember it. I can say, “This is VERY important. Remember it….” and they still won’t. They won’t even write it down. And then they wonder why they did poorly on the assignment.

      I miss being a student. πŸ™‚


        emerald212 wrote:

        There is still a lot of stress on my side of the equation too. I worry that students won’t get their papers in on time – and I shouldn’t because it’s not my problem (but I still do). I feel bad when a student fails. I also worry that I’m not telling them everything they need to know – when most of the time I can repeat things five times and they still won’t remember it. I can say, “This is VERY important. Remember it….” and they still won’t. They won’t even write it down. And then they wonder why they did poorly on the assignment.

        I have the same problem here in middle school. I’ll write it on the board, repeat it a million times, and then someone will look up and go, “Wait, what are we supposed to do?”
        Arg! *lol*


          emerald212 wrote:

          I guess I’m odd, because I really loved college. I must have; I’m still there! But now I’m the teacher.

          There is still a lot of stress on my side of the equation too. I worry that students won’t get their papers in on time – and I shouldn’t because it’s not my problem (but I still do). I feel bad when a student fails. I also worry that I’m not telling them everything they need to know – when most of the time I can repeat things five times and they still won’t remember it. I can say, “This is VERY important. Remember it….” and they still won’t. They won’t even write it down. And then they wonder why they did poorly on the assignment.

          I miss being a student. πŸ™‚

          There were lots of classes I enjoyed…it was just the stress of graduating on time, getting good grades and not wasting my parents’ money. πŸ˜‰

          Is your class mostly an elective or required for a major (or split)? I don’t envy you the kids that don’t listen. My daughter is a good one for “you never said that”. Now I tell her things with a witness present or make her sign a piece of paper. πŸ™„ πŸ˜†


          Everything I take is for my major. But one thing I don’t have to worry about is spending my parents money, because I pay for college myself. I still have some required classes to take but other than that I’m good.


            TheRedWriter wrote:

            Everything I take is for my major. But one thing I don’t have to worry about is spending my parents money, because I pay for college myself. I still have some required classes to take but other than that I’m good.

            I’m sure paying for it yourself is more stressful!


            both yes and no. No because, if you mess if you have to deal with it yourself rather than your parents. Yes, because you know you have to pay for it in the end. But for a girl with 5 years under her belt my debt is low. I’ve gotten a lot of scholarships and grants, for 5 years I only owe 9,000. Not to bad. Could be lots worse.


              TheRedWriter wrote:

              both yes and no. No because, if you mess if you have to deal with it yourself rather than your parents. Yes, because you know you have to pay for it in the end. But for a girl with 5 years under her belt my debt is low. I’ve gotten a lot of scholarships and grants, for 5 years I only owe 9,000. Not to bad. Could be lots worse.

              That’s really not bad at all. I did 5 years of college and only ended up with $5,000 in debt. You’re doing it right with scholarships and grants. FAFSA helped me a lot.


              Thank God I’m poor, or else I’d be so deep in debt I couldn’t see daylight. Horray for working class!!

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