Problem with the Candles and Sconces Category

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Problem with the Candles and Sconces Category

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  • #506799

      Sorry if I’m posting this in the wrong place.
      I noticed this problem about a month ago but forgot to mention it. There is a problem with the sub-categories on the sconces and candles category page. The first link is fine, the second has no picture, and the third is almost completely cut off (but will still take you to the correct page). I’ve added a screenshot in case it’s a browser issue and others can’t see it on their computers.
       photo Screenshot2013-11-22at113233AM_zps80ddad18.png

      I does the same thing on my Mac (using firefox) and the Windows PC at work (using google chrome).


        I see the same problem. But for me the candleholder image is really small and I only see the top half of the wall sconce image. I am using a Mac OS X version 10.6.8 and Safari v. 5.1.10


          Thanks! We thought it was fixed, but it seems to have unfixed. We’ll fix it again!

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