problem – ON EBAY

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      Just wanted to let you know what happened to me. I bought a male uni (I was so happy) but when it arrived, the horn was broken. So I put it right back in the box and sent it back. Now (real name removed) wont give me a refund and is accusing me of dropping it. (which never happed by me) I told her she should of contacted the shipping people she used and get her insurance back to pay me and for the uni, but all I have heard is nasty accusations and note that I don’t deserve a refund. (what?) I am not venting to vent, I just want to put a warning out there, not to deal with this person, I lost $75 on the transaction and $18 on the return shipping, and still have no white male uni. (so sad) I WILL NEVER BUY A WINDSTONE ON EBAY AGAIN.

      Ellen J Webber


        Issue an official complaint with eBay, that should get you your money back. Maybe not all of it, but it’s a start. Go to the resolve a problem option. If you aren’t getting anywhere through eBay, go straight to Paypal and use their resolution centre. Any eBay purchase through Paypal qualifies for the buyer protection program.

        I’ve bought several windstone off of eBay and never had any problem, aside from a couple of flap cats that were packaged by an incompetent moron. I was able to repair them though, and they were super cheap, so I wasn’t devastated by it.

        If you are buying on ebay, I suggest checking the sellers feedback to see if they have any past experience selling windstones. There are some sellers like seige-loki who always double box, and treat the pieces very carefully.

        Hope you get your money back. 🙂 And thanks for the warning, I ‘ll keep an eye out for her listings.


          you can send them this link on how to package them properly for future reference, it explains it in an easy way so hopefully they can do it right:

          also I’ve had several unicorns shear off their horns in transit, one person had a male double boxed but they put him in with his horn in the corner and of course it sheared off so even when they try to do it right they can still mess up…anyhoo, unicorn horns can be be fixed pretty easily with glue and propping it up with something underneath while it dries and usually it stays in….I’ve fixed I think three horns but one was already out before shipping….

          4 things I'm looking for:
          1. Mother Meerkat
          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


            Have you filed a claim on ebay or paypal about it being not as described? If you file a claim and show proof or return shipping, they have to refund it including your initial shipping. If the seller refuses, paypal will refund it for you as long as there is proof you shipped it back. Next time I would suggest either seeing if you can fix the horn and asking for a partial refund or asking Windstone if they have another horn they could send you. Or if you take pictures of a broken piece you can message the seller to work out a refund or file a claim before it is sent back. That way they usually have to cooperate to get the piece back. Sorry that happened to you but go on the listing you won on ebay and file a claim and it will transfer you to paypal to describe what was wrong and put in your shipping tracking number and let the seller respond.

            P.S. I have a male white unicorn I can sell if you are interested so message me if you get your money back and want mine instead.

            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


              Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that I edited your post to remove the real life name of the person you were dealing with on eBay. I want to say that I am in no way trying to say that I support what they did. I don’t know them from Joe on the street nor do I in any way condone shady practices on eBay or anywhere else! In fact it makes me downright angry. But, since Windstone is a seller on eBay too, (Windstone) was advised some years ago that publicly naming sellers in a negative light on our very public forum could lead to legal issues, eek.

              I heavily suggest that you make a Paypal claim and an eBay one as well to resolve this transgression. This seller obviously is not being honest with you, so I welcome you to leave feedback on the unofficial blacklist if you’d like. This blacklist is not affiliated with Windstone nor is it on our page so it is something you can do without us getting in trouble. You can find that info here:

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:

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