
Prices lowered on Wolf Color Sitting Chick, Bat – Pg. 1

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    Your work is lovely. Have you ever thought about doing some reptiles?


      Awwww, kitty! So cute MG 😀 .


      i totally love it MG! thank you sooooo much! you are very talented 😀


        Kachina wrote:

        Your work is lovely. Have you ever thought about doing some reptiles?

        oooh, reptiles! Those would make for some wonderfully beautiful and colorful pieces. *pokes*


        It would! And I have some beautiful ball python morphs I might like to get commissions of!


          Thanks very much everyone, and I’m so glad you are happy with her daydreamer! 🙂

          I haven’t painted any reptiles yet (aside from dragons of course!) but I’m sure I’d have a blast with them!


            Hey everyone! My horse painting “Arabian Mare” eBay auction ends tonight at approx. 11pm central time! She still has no bids yet, so if you’re interested you have an opportunity to get this painting at a great price!



              Gosh dang. I can’t believe it didn’t sell. 🙁 *Sigh*


                What a gorgeous painting. 😮 I am shocked she didnt sell. I have been away from the computer the last while so didnt know about this auction. I am trying to pay some bills off right now but if she is still for sale a little later on I may be interested in buying her. 🙂


                  Thanks so much JellyFish, I appreciate your interest in her! 🙂 I have been going through a slump for a very long time, where art auction sales are concerned. I see these other artists that are already established on eBay, and I’m stunned at the amount of work they sell weekly. I’ve tried countless times to establish myself in that way on eBay with very little success.

                  I’m extremely thankful for the sales that I do make, such as the pieces I have sold to forum members here and elsewhere. 🙂 It is such an amazing feeling knowing that others want to display your art in their home! The difficult part is when I cannot establish steady sales in my eBay store like these other artists, such as William Hawkins and Jasmine Becket-Griffit​h. I wish I could figure out how to be as good as they are so I can have continual eBay sales too. This is my only job now, and has been since I quit Hallmark last September to establish my business. I’m extremely fortunate that Scott is working and taking care of the majority of our expenses, otherwise things would be rough.

                  There are times where I just want to give up (like right now, LOL) but I know I’ll just keep trying after the lethargic feelings have faded. It just gets mentally tiring sometimes, especially after all the work I put into these things. I just can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Sorry for the “woe is me” bit, just feeling a little down tonight. 🙁

                  I’m shifting gears with the new long term project that I’ve started working on recently, so hopefully it will help move me along in the right direction.


                    Oh, MGutz, that is such as defeating feeling, especially for such a beautiful painting. *hugs*

                    Just whatever you do, don’t sell yourself short. Don’t sell your stuff for less than what you think it is worth. The economy is still awful right now. Hang in there!


                      Thanks for your encouragement, BD. I truly appreciate it! *Hugs*


                      oh MGutz… I would have soooo bid on the painting had I not already committed to buying the cat gargoyle from you! :shout:

                      i totally feel your pain though. i’ve been trying to get my own business off the ground for oh say… a year now. and man, it IS rough. i don’t even think i have to mention the economy. as far as the ebay sales thing, i think it just takes time. and some marketing and even maybe some research into what people buy and don’t buy. like jasmine’s work that you mentioned. wow can she crank out stuff. but it seems to be a niche market that she’s cornered and does it well. i really like your animal paintings… both the abstract and the realistic stuff. just have to keep trying and keep chugging along. i know how it feels. some days it sounds so much easier to just go down to starbucks and take orders for overpriced coffee, but you will be so much happier when you overcome these small hurdles and continue to do what you love to do. you have such a natural talent that it will come. promise! 🙂

                      by the way… if you need any help with marketing or getting your stuff out there, i would love to help!


                      Wow, I’m SO surprised that painting didn’t sell; I thought it was totally stunning! 😮 I can’t imagine what it feels like to have someone want my artwork–I’m usually the last one to get something matted and framed. My best friend has been after me for years to get my stuff mounted and displayed, but I still haven’t done it. The closest I come is with my pyo’s……. 😳

                      I really do think that the horrible state of our economy has a lot to do with it, though. With so many people out of work, the “disposable income” just doesn’t seem to exist any more. Folks are scrounging to pay bills. I would’ve loved to be able to buy *any* of your paintings; I really liked the Polar Bear–great color combo! 🙂 But since we’re living on one salary at the moment, luxuries are non-existant right now. Have I mentioned I’m really beginning to hate the taste of peanutbutter and jelly? 😀

                      Don’t give up, though! Especially if it’s something you really love doing. I second the thoughts of looking into different marketing ideas. It can be hard to get established, but once you are then that battle is behind you. 😉


                        I guess it takes time to be established anywhere! Your work is gorgeous and hopefully, it is just a matter of time before people realize that and you’ll be selling stuff weekly! Unfortunately, right now with the economy being so bad not too many people have monies to buy things like art which is deemed a want and not a need. It’s tough for veteran artists!

                        I hope this bad economy doesn’t last too much longer–so many people are getting hurt by it! And looking at the forum, you see that some people were laid off suddenly so any monies they did have will have to be rechanneled to other things. There are some things that I would like that will have to wait for a while. But you never know–things could turn around for the better like they have turned around for the worst. I just wish it was soon!

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