Pregnant & Due ______?

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    Kyrin wrote:

    Dream of boys all you want, but you’re getting I girl! I have spoken! πŸ˜†


    LOL!! From your lips…. Girl clothes are awesome! My mom says girl too BTW, lol


      DragonMistress wrote:

      Jennifer wrote:

      *laughs* You can tell there are a ton of post-teen female collectors here; there are so many topics on this subject!

      Post teen huh??!! I’m almost 30 Jen!!!! lol πŸ˜†

      33 here…


        Krysia wrote:

        LOL – Yeah, I noticed that Serenity & I are like, seconds apart. LOL. πŸ˜‰

        My oldest will be 10 in September, my second 7 in July, my third 3 in December, and this little guy. πŸ™‚

        There are times when I almost envy those who have them more-or-less all at once (it’d be nice to just blow through the diaper and constant night-feedings years and get them *done*)… but then I think I was given these angels in this spacing for a reason, and get time to enjoy each little one during the briefest year or two of their lives… because nothing goes by faster than the first 2!

        2 weeks apart it looks like…

        My oldest will be 10 in Nov, my second will be 7 in Aug and this one is due in November. πŸ™‚



        2 weeks apart it looks like…

        My oldest will be 10 in Nov, my second will be 7 in Aug and this one is due in November.

        Wow… almost like we planned it all along. LOL… (Except for my lapse in 2005 when I forgot to consult you! ;))

        And yeah. Way “post-teen”… I hit 35 in March this year. Ick. Wish I could have gone straight from 34 to 36. There’s just something about the number “35” that I don’t like. πŸ˜›

        (And this one is due 11/3, but I’m a scheduled c-section…)


          I was single in 2005… lol

          and I am due 10 days later! lol Nov 13th.


          Serenity wrote:

          I was single in 2005… lol

          and I am due 10 days later! lol Nov 13th.

          You’re due on my birthday!! Awesome!


            Any of you read the weekly stuff at….


            Off to the left are tabs for the week… its pretty neat… wether this is your first or 3rd or 4th! πŸ˜‰


              Congratulations!! Ya’ll save your baby stuff for me. Me and Paul are gonna start trying as soon as we get back in the same state. πŸ˜† I have one who is 9, so there will be a big gap for me.

              4 sounds nice. I think I will do 3… unless I dont get one of each. Paul wants 8 or 9 to start. πŸ˜†


              My brother and I are ten years apart…it’s pretty cool actually, we’re really close, but man, when he was born I was an unhappy camper after being an only child for so long. It gets much better when they get older!!


                DragonMistress wrote:

                My brother and I are ten years apart…it’s pretty cool actually, we’re really close, but man, when he was born I was an unhappy camper after being an only child for so long. It gets much better when they get older!!

                Really? Thats great. Everyone has told me that they wont be close. It made me sad… like I would have two seperate families. Nice to know that its not always that way.


                My other half and his sister are 8 years apart. They’ve pretty much always got on well. He’s very protective of his baby sister. (Who is now 21 years old!)


                  Congrats! πŸ˜€


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    Congratulations!! Ya’ll save your baby stuff for me. Me and Paul are gonna start trying as soon as we get back in the same state. πŸ˜† I have one who is 9, so there will be a big gap for me.

                    4 sounds nice. I think I will do 3… unless I dont get one of each. Paul wants 8 or 9 to start. πŸ˜†

                    I originally wanted a huge family..with like 8-9 kids…but we’re stopping with three. Mine are so mischeivious I dont think I could keep up with more than that! πŸ˜†


                      3 is good for me… πŸ˜‰


                        Congrats everyone! And good luck Ski!
                        Mine are 11 months apart and other than the fighting that happens about every 6 weeks, they play well together.
                        Mike and I are fearing when they get interested in the boys/girls because both of them are going to be inviting the other’s friend over πŸ˜†
                        My daughter is just gorgeous and we imagine the trouble he’s going to have trying to keep his friends away from her!
                        Imagine a 6 foot blonde complete with green eyes and a brain 😯
                        And then there’s Patrick who has the most gorgeous eyes and smile. Already has Ashley’s friends chasing him around. He’s just like “Why are they trying to hit me?” πŸ˜†

                        I love watching them get older!

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