Pregnancy question about induction

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  • #654920

      I’m sure everything will be fine in time


        Ok so I had Khym Naturally, but there was discussion on induction, especially since at my second U-S, 31 weeks, he was already the size of a baby at 35 weeks 😯 😯 one of my prenatal Dr. said they wouldn’t induce me until I was 2 weeks overdue the last time I asked, the first time I asked the Dr. said it was a good possibility for on my due date due to size. However if I was you I’d be asking what they considered the factors for you being induced, You would not be the first who had their EDD 2 weeks later than it should be, and the reason for induction after 2 weeks is because the Placenta starts to break down, making it very inhospitable for Baby, even if they try and say otherwise 😀 But so you know the way Castor Oil and a lot of those other “Methods” work is by causing other types of cramps, the kind which result in way too much talk oh here. 😯 And umm yeah so walking and sex and those other things didn’t work for me. The little bugger came 5 days late!!

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