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      I know I’m not well known here, but I do chime in occasionally. I haven’t been on the forum much lately cause I’ve been spending much of my time at the hospital one week for one parent, then the hospital two weeks later for the other. Now, I’m trying to take care of their animals, their household, laundry, and make dinner every night, along with taking care of my animals, work at my job and keeping my bf happy. I have one parent who’s on dialysis and her modality wasn’t working so she had to switch. Now she’s on hemodialysis 4 days a week and tired all the time and still having a lot of issues. It looks like she might loose some toes, and maybe even both feet. I guess we’ll see as time goes on. She just seems to be going down hill.

      My dad is diabetic and doesn’t get around well along with having the onset of neuropothy, so taking care of them is a full-time job along with my full-time job (which I need help at but can’t seem to get my boss to hire anyone).

      Between working, taking them do the doctor, taking care of my house and their’s, I barely have time to log on to a computer except at work, and there I’m so busy I don’t have time to really look on the forum. Needless to say, I need a vacation and a miracle.

      I don’t mean this to sound like I’m asking for pity or acting like I’m the only person who’s ever gone thru this, cause I know I’m not. I also know there are people who’ve gone thru a lot more and come out better than they went in. However, if anyone wants to send some prayers my way, they really would be appreciated and I know there is power in numbers.

      Ever though ya’ll don’t hear from me much, I read most of what you say and enjoy being on the forum. It’s my escape, and Windstones are my fantasy/addiction to get away from the real world. Whenever I’ve ordered one and know it’s coming, I can’t wait for it to arrive and open the box. It always makes my day.

      Anyway, thanks for listening.



          You’ve got my prayers heading your way. I hope all gets better soon.


            Mos def. Mine, too. This is most likely gonna get moved to the community section, though. 😉


              Hang tough. You’re doing a great job and yes, being a caretaker is hard work; you never seem to have any time just for yourself. Might your parents have friends that would be willing to help out a couple days a week? That would give you a break and your parents get company & companionship. Have you checked out hospice care? Which hospital/doctors group take care of your folks? Kennewick General, Kadlec, Our Lady of Lourdes? The hospitals can at least point you in the right direction for extra help. I’m so sorry that you’ve hit a rough patch in life… You and your family will be included in our family. Your Windstone family is here for you as well. Lots of ‘huds & squishes’ as my niece would say… We’re here for you!

              twindragonsmum 😀



              I’m sorry, kgronski. 🙁 I’ll pray for you and your parents.


              I’ll send prayers for you. God wouldn’t give you more than he thinks you can handle, but sometimes it seems to us to be just way too much.
              Hope keeps us going. *Hugs*


                Sending you good thoughts and prayers..so sorry to hear this. 🙁


                I am sorry to hear about your parents. I know it can be rough. My good thoughts and prayers are heading your way too. Good luck!


                  Sending prayers your way…hang in there!


                  I pray that things will get better for you and your parents!! I am praying and thinking of all of you!


                  I’m sorry to hear about your parents – I am sending prayers and well wishes your way.


                    Sorry for all the hardships you and your parents are having. Sending my prays to you and them.


                      Sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Like Windstone Collector said God doesn’t give you more than you can handle even though it seem like it sometimes.


                      Good thoughts headed your way. *Hugs*

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