
Potter Cat

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        Melody, what are the chances that we’d see the “Potter Cat” in production? Maybe as Garden Art?


          foxfeather wrote:

          Melody, what are the chances that we’d see the “Potter Cat” in production? Maybe as Garden Art?

          We did produce Potter cats once and tried test marketing them. They bombed totally. I don’t think a single store sold even one of them. However, I did see one once on ebay and it sold for a decent price.
          Those were intended as yard cats, but that was before we had worked out the cement casting, so they could only be indoor cats. Maybe with real eyes and wings or something.
          The best thing about the Potter cat sculpture is the reaction live cats have to them. Cats think it is real!


            Melody wrote:

            foxfeather wrote:

            Melody, what are the chances that we’d see the “Potter Cat” in production? Maybe as Garden Art?

            The best thing about the Potter cat sculpture is the reaction live cats have to them. Cats think it is real!

            Now there is a compliment to your art! Even the real thing can’t tell the difference! 😀


              I think just as is, but cast in cement, they would be awesome garden decorations!

              And maybe now, the market is more ready for them…

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                dragonmedley wrote:

                I think just as is, but cast in cement, they would be awesome garden decorations!

                And maybe now, the market is more ready for them… We could sell them as limited production, or maybe as memorial pyo cats? (I want to do everything as pyos now. It is so much easier on the brain cells to not worry about the painting!)
                The cats are close to life size so they are big enough to house a cat’s ashes if they were used as a memorial urn! There is a sitting cat too. It didn’t sell either! The bomb brothers.


                  You could always start as limited production, then go into full production if they end up selling like hot cakes.

                  If you were to cast them in cement, would you paint them? Would they look ok only in cement? Some garden decorations are plain gray, some are simple white-washed. See, no brain cells burnt!

                  But I would go for a PYO too.

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    dragonmedley wrote:

                    You could always start as limited production, then go into full production if they end up selling like hot cakes.

                    If you were to cast them in cement, would you paint them? Would they look ok only in cement? Some garden decorations are plain gray, some are simple white-washed. See, no brain cells burnt!

                    But I would go for a PYO too. We tried selling them in stone finish, so I ain’t gonna try that again!

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