Okay, so I admit that I’m terribly illiterate when it comes to the computer 😳 😳 Can any one please tell me how to show you my pics? I’m completely clueless as how to even get started! 😯 Any help would be greatly appreciated.
🙂 No worries! I am too…
You can create a free account on photobucket (there are others) and then upload your pictures to photobucket. Once the pics are up on photobucket, you can copy the text in “image code” (below the photo) and paste it here.
Good luck!
…won’t sell copies of your pics like PhotoBucket does.
😯 WHAT?! Whats that all about? I hardly have any photos in there worth selling! How do you know they sell and how do they get away with that s**t?!?!?
Well there is a spot in photobucket when you are in your album that says “Buy Prints”, but I don’t know if it shows up when you are looking at pictures in someone elses account. I just looked at a picture in purplecat’s account just to see and sure enough there is a tab on individual pictures that says “Buy Prints”.
well I just went into purplecats *since she has it posted in her sig* and I didn’t see a tab for buying photos… there is one in mine when I look at my pictures in my albums… but why buy prints when I have a printer myself??? lol
When you visit someone else’s albumn and click on on individual picture to look at there are three tabs behind the picture: Full Size, Send to Mobile and Buy Prints. I never really noticed it before myself.