Post your Jack-O-Lantern

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    Mine…. it’s Puss in Boots.

    My fiancee’s Pi… his is holding up better then mine… mine’s already falling apart.


      Those look awesome everyone. Very good pumpkin crop around here this year, but I haven’t had time to carve one (not much point doing on this late in the game), since I have to go to work in a couple of hours and feel like crap (sinus cold). If I can find the picture, I did a Jack Skellington face pumpkin a year or two ago.


        Last year…

        This year…


          Pumpkin pi… *snicker, snicker 😆 * I love it!

          twindragonsmum 😀



          I’ll post mine when I get home to Iowa. We painted ours this year, and we let Chloe paint her own while strictly supervising it. I did’t have my camera, so there are no pictures of her painting. I really like all of the jack-o-lanterns!


            I’ll get my halloween pics up a bit later once everything has been lit!

            We had a good time carving homegrown pumpkins this afternoon (for once it isn’t below zero) with my sister and baby niece. My Niece Danica helped me design a pumpkin (beating on it while I drew and trying to eat it)for our step and her mum did one for her to take home

            I also found a fake pumpkin that somehow had missed being carved. My dad said I should do something scary, his suggestion was Stephane Dion 🙄


            we survived yet another Halloween 😀 . we didnt have too many kids this year so i managed to save some candy for me . This community is really weird it seems like every other year we have a tidal wave of kids , this year was the lesser amount . Here are some pics of Alyssa out front , we sat there till about 8pm talking with the neighbors was a pretty good and chilly night . Next year is gonna be really different when we take Alyssa trick or treating for the first time 😯


              She is soooo cute!!




                Everyone’s pumpkins look great! Alyssa looks very cute in her costume…and I love the pumpkin pi. 😆

                Here’s the thread from last year where quite a few people had posted pictures of their pumpkins as well as other Halloween stuff.

                I haven’t carved pumpkins for quite awhile, but here are some pictures that I had posted in that thread:

                mimitrek wrote:

                I haven’t been doing pumpkin carving recently either, but a number of years ago I was really into it and did 5 each year. One year I even did a pumpkin for Thanksgiving! Here are some photos:

                Some closeups of the last picture:

                The turkey that I did one year:


                Okay… what kind of tools do you guys use to get that amount of detail?? There’s no way in heck you can be using regular kitchen knives… is there?? It seems like those connecting lines are way too thin!!


                there are little saw like knives that stores sell specifically for carving pumpkin details, those are what I use. But even with those little knives, I can’t do that level of detail x_x you can get electric pumpkin carvers too


                Chessapeaka wrote:

                Okay… what kind of tools do you guys use to get that amount of detail?? There’s no way in heck you can be using regular kitchen knives… is there?? It seems like those connecting lines are way too thin!!

                i use a utility knife and my small wood carving chisels, i used to use those little saws but im too rough for em and the always snap off 😛


                That metal picture hanging wire! (but wear gloves though, it gets kinda painful) All you have to do is make a line through the outer shell of the pumpkin so that you can cut through it easier.

                That and it’s cheaper then pumpkin carving knives. I think it would only work with real pumpkins though.


                  Beautiful pumpkins, everyone!

                  Alyssa’s just darling in that costume.

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