
Post Office…

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        this is what happens when you send stuff through USPS… and write Fragile on it…

        I think they do it on purpose…

        inside was a piggy gargoyle that I got off of ebay for $9.99… it had a chipped wing from being dropped.. and I put in a bid of $10 knowing someone would outbid me… well of course no one did… so I had to borrow money to pay for it.. (really don’t need to look at Ebay)

        anyway… the seller packed it so well that even though they played soccer, hockey and football with the box… it didn’t have any new damage to it… and his wing is already back together drying, so it can be painted…


          Insure the box for $500, write “FRAGILE: GLASS – ANTIQUE HEIRLOOMS” and then mail it. Guaranteed to be stolen and then you can claim. ๐Ÿ˜†


            LOL… right…


              Don’t knock it until you try it.


                Snapdragon wrote:

                Don’t knock it until you try it.

                no I was agreeing… although my luck if I try it… I would either end up with someone else’s box.. filled with something useless I didn’t need… or they’d mess up the insurance bit and only pay me $5


                  I’m glad you were able to fix it, Frozen. It seems the post office takes the term “Fragile” as a personal challenge to see how fast they can break it. ๐Ÿ™„


                    yes… apparently


                      My feelings are fragile. The contest is on!


                        That’s about as good as the box I got from Windstone once that was crushed by a bootprint. I could see the mark the tread left and everything. Uggghhh. That was a blank lap dragon that will now never see the light of day….

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                        My art: featherdust.com


                          Jennifer wrote:

                          That’s about as good as the box I got from Windstone once that was crushed by a bootprint. I could see the mark the tread left and everything. Uggghhh. That was a blank lap dragon that will now never see the light of day….

                          ugh… yeah I hate the ones where you can see the print of a shoe/boot on them…

                          this one was actually pretty clean…

                          I’m really glad they packed it well though…


                          Mine just always have crushed corners. Should have seen me with my last order of PYO’s the entire corner was smushed in – worse then usual. I was sure everything was broken. And it wasn’t. Yay. ๐Ÿ˜† No bootprints but one the mailperson was balancing it off of a 4th story rail ๐Ÿ˜ฏ I almost fainted!

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