
possible ugly guts (doc update)

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      I agree with the above – GO TO THE DR NOW – stuff like that is nothing to mess with


        All right–we want an update. How are you doing and did you find anything out? You worry us and we want to know if you’ll be all right.


          i’m doing alright i called a nurse and she said to wait and see if it goes away when i start my period so far since yesterday it hasn’t hurt i’m still waiting though. i need to keep an eye on my cycle because it may start going haywire. i did find out though that a cyst can take up to 3 months to dissolve and that if it is large enough to press on other things it can cause sever sickness like what i had 2 months ago.


            i made a doctors appointment for tomorrow it is official i am late for my monthly.
            i just decided to see of my belly hurt if i pressed on so i did…O.o it didn’t hurt but i felt something rool out of the way under my finger tiiips!!! 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 GGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH GROOOOOSSSS!!


              EEEEEEEEEEEEEK! 😮 Doesn’t sound good and so glad you’re going to see your doctor. Just hope they will take care of this once and for all! This has been a scary roller coaster ride for you and us looking on.


                i went to the doctors and had a pelvic exam. she couldn’t feel to cyst but wants an ultra sound scheduled. she was a bit worried when i told her the history, she mentioned it could be a twisted ovary and that is i get any sort of fever or increase in pain go to the er immediately.

                i did research when i got home and broke down into tears. i am quite frankly terrified. if it’s twisted blood flow could be cut off leading to tissue death and infection that can lead to serious complications. if caught in time the ovary can be saved but thats a very difficult diagnosis to get for those with high pain threshold. when the diagnosis is to late to save the ovary it is removed.


                I am so sorry i didn’t see this until now, but don’t be scared because worrying often makes us feel worse. *HUGS* I am praying for you!!


                  Thinking good and healing thoughts for you!! Huge hugs hun!!


                    Sending those positive healing thoughts your way! So sorry to hear this. 🙁


                      thank you guys 🙂
                      i’m keeping an eye on my temp and everything. last night i started my monthly and oddly enough the pain has dramatically decreased so i am hoping it just a cyst. i won’t know anything until thursday, but if anything changes like i get a fever i am going to go to the ER


                        You won’t know anything until Thursday!? Ugh! Hang in there and keep us updated. Hope everything is OK. (((hugs)))


                          We are watching her closely, she has not done very well today. She is really nausiated when she eats, tired, and moving around makes her insides not feel good. 🙁


                          Oh, I don’t like that you’re going through this. Hang in there, grayfire! 🙁 And feel free to bite the doctor on the leg if you need to get their attention. It always works for me . . . .


                            Oh my goodness 🙁 ! I didn’t see this post until now. I hope everything is getting better for you, grayfire. Please keep us updated and hang in there! *hugs*


                              Yes, we do want an update! So you’ll know more tomorrow??!! Hopefully nothing serious happens before then. We’re out here worrying about you and sending positive thoughts your way!

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