Possible JADE Scratcher on eBay w/ BIN 11/15

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    Lokie wrote:

    PhoenixTears wrote:

    Yea, I know! The BIN was what, $250 I think. Im assuming that the bidder saw that price, didnt realize what s/he was looking at and of course, bid lower. Well, theyll see when it does go above the BIN price and theyll kick themselves later… though they might not know what they are missing out on to begin with.

    I’m not so certain that it will go past $250.00 (or much past it). Generally, pieces have been going for dirt cheap on Ebay lately.

    Regular production ones have, anyway, because of all the special pieces up now.


      IT’S MINE!! IT’S MINE!! IT’S MINE!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Can you tell I’m a little excited? 😆

      I guess I’m kicked out of the club now. 😳


        WHOA congrats – thats an AWESOME price for that guy! 0_0

        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


          I know! I bid higher, but thank goodness it didn’t go that high. I was completely expecting to get outbid in the last second. 😆 😆 I’m so excited!


            I threw a bid in because I figured if I got it at that price, it would be a stellar deal – I think you got it for just a couple bucks more that my max bid. 😀

            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
            -J R R Tolkien


            I was watching those last two minutes…I had my bid typed in…but I decided not to snipe it…I’m supposed to be being good until next year…man I think I’m already regretting it…


              I was on a plane when he ended. I was going to snipe him if he was low enough, which he was. Ah well XD


              Congrats, emerald! Post pics when he reachex you, please. 😀


                That’s a great price Em. Congrats!!


                  Great buy…Congrats!

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