portait kirn: Frodo

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    😆 😆 😆 Fat chance, Ski. The beauty of that kirin is probably more hypnotizing than the beauty of your hand.


      BAH! *plans on contacting Arlla for another commision*


      Got a horse she should portrait? Or do you want a kirin after one of your rotties? 😀


        I think I would like an Overo.


        That would be nice. And you could even have the same beautiful tail on it as Frodo-s.


          Dang I am so jealous.


          Envious, Ski. Jealous is wanting to keep something that-s yours, and Phoenix already said that was out of the question… 😆


            skigod377 wrote:

            Phoenix wrote:

            Mine, all mine!
            Ski, you’re good enough to paint your own!

            *waves hand in front of Phoenixs’ face* You dont want this Ki rin… You dont like this Kirin… You want Ski to have this Ki rin… Is it working? 😀

            Now I feel bad cause I am going to get this wonderful kirin. Since I already have the actual pony, if you really want it, pm me.


            Mine, all mine!


            Hahaha…you’re so evil. But what happens when the pegasus and/or unicorn comes out?


            D’OH 😆


            Ooh, Phoenix, I bet you really ruined Ski’s day with that. But to Water’s question – will you ask Arlla to paint you a Frodo unicorn, too? That would be lovely.


            That is really really beautiful Arlla!! I love the tail, it’s my favorite part about him!


              Phoenix wrote:

              skigod377 wrote:

              Phoenix wrote:

              Mine, all mine!
              Ski, you’re good enough to paint your own!

              *waves hand in front of Phoenixs’ face* You dont want this Ki rin… You dont like this Kirin… You want Ski to have this Ki rin… Is it working? 😀

              Now I feel bad cause I am going to get this wonderful kirin. Since I already have the actual pony, if you really want it, pm me.


              Mine, all mine!

              See.. now that was jus cruel.


              Arlla, a suggestion for next time… Could you photograph the PYO on something that isn’t one of the colors on the PYO? It wouldn’t disappear into the background that way.
              (Mom’s suggestion. I just showed her your kirin since she wants me to order one for her when I order mine.)


                When the equine pieces come out, if she’s willing, I would love to have a family of Frodos!

                To see him in real life is to want everything to look like him!

                Hugs to Ski. I can be cruel when I haven’t eaten 😆

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