
Poor dog

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        We got to take the dog to the emergency vet last night.

        The gate didn’t close properly (has been fixed) when dad went to move the sprinkler yesterday morning and Sam escaped to go ‘visit’ the 2 boxers across the street. They DO NOT get along and hate each other. the neighbors only have a hedge fence (which is also how the boxers escape from time to time) so Sam got into the yard and into an altercation with them. He was quickly collected by Dad and brought home and confined to the house (bad dog). When I got home I noticed he kept licking the base of his tail and there was this smell… so I had a look and sure enough there was a booboo. So of to the vet. He got a cut about an inch long and 1/2inch deep. He had to stay for a few hours for them to put him under and shave the spot and put in a few stitches and came home last night. We’ve had a very huggy dog today, he’s on meds and will get his stitches out in a couple of weeks.

        And he still wants to go tangle with the neighbors dogs….. you think he’d learn 🙄


          animals will never learn. I’m glad it was not more serious


            Good grief!!! He is lucky it was not worse. 😮 I am so glad he made it out with just a few stitches. The neighbors wont be pressing charges, will they? Are their dogs ok?


            Good thing it wasn’t worse. I would like to know the situation of the other dogs as well.


            The poor guy! I’m glad it wasn’t any worse! Like ski and dragoness I’m curious if the other dogs are ok?


              Yes, the other dogs are okay. 😀 Sam got the worst of it. It could have been worse if dad hadn’t been over there seconds after Sam escaped.

              As far as we know there won’t be any charges, but maybe a visit from animal control. The gate latch was fixxed as soon as dad got sam into the house and had given him a quick check. He feels really bad the Sam escaped, even worse that sam had a booboo that he didn’t see.

              We’ve (the neighborhood) been having trouble with these same neighbors and their dogs for a few years (The dogs oftern escape their yard, charge at people walking on the street, etc) and since we got Sam it’s gotten worse. Sam and I were attacked in March when we were headed out for a walk and the dogs had gotten out of their yard through the hedge. That time there was no damage.

              Sam’s back to his old self, he had dirty muddy paws and walked all over my bed with them this afternoon and was very proud of himself for doing that 👿 He does look a bit funny when his tail is up cause he’s got a pale bald patch on his black butt.


                I am glad he is better and there are no charges. It does not sound like a good situation, though. Its only a matter of time before the dogs hurt someone. 😕 Your neighbors need a real fence.


                  I’m glad your dog wasn’t hurt worse, foxfeather. Good luck with the neighbors.


                  I hope that is the end of their dogs getting out and no one else gets hurt.


                  Ack, that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen 😕 I’m glad Sam is feeling better!

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