Poads, Poads, and more Poads!!!!

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      Yeah, not bad. Every other friday, the whole office gets together for a PATs meeting. We need to tell why the person the PAT is for is getting it. There’s also the rock award, star award, and highlighter award. Those equal automatic spins.


        They sound like good morale boosters. 😉


          Yes they are. Sometimes they get on your nerves with too much stuff like this though!


            Yeah, I know what you mean. We have one guy at work who has “yay team” type stuff in every email he sends. It grates on our nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard. 🙄


              We get that crap everyday at work. Blech! There’s no “I” in TEAM. I want to tell them there is an ME.


                lamortefille wrote:

                There’s no “I” in TEAM.

                Nope, but there is in Bull$h!t. I always liked that particular reply at my old job…. 8)


                  starbreeze wrote:

                  Yeah, I know what you mean. We have one guy at work who has “yay team” type stuff in every email he sends. It grates on our nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard. 🙄

                  Yep, I know exactly what you’re talking about there. I used to work for a health insurance company several years ago. And that place was like ridiculous. One of the team leads was all “GO TEAM” everyday, and sent out stupid annoying e-mails all the time. We got little mirrors passed out to us to keep on our desks. We’re supposed to talk to the customer on the phone with a smile… and they need to hear the smile in our voices. 🙄 The mirror was there to remind us to smile. PUKE!!!

                  For Christmas time they set up a workshop for all of us to make mittens out of felt, and decorate them with glitter and pom poms. Now keep in mind that men also worked there, and had to do this stuff too! I won’t even tell you what they had us doing in the new hire training class.:roll: This was my first job ever. I was wondering the whole time… is it like this everywhere you get a job? Gad, I am so glad I don’t work there anymore!!!
                  The place I’m at now is mild compared to what that was.


                    lamortefille wrote:

                    We get that crap everyday at work. Blech! There’s no “I” in TEAM. I want to tell them there is an ME.

                    I’ll remember that!!! 😆 😆 😆


                    Ehm, travistie? Pics?

                    I’m sorry. I just had to throw that in. 😈


                      Maebnus3 wrote:

                      lamortefille wrote:

                      There’s no “I” in TEAM.

                      Nope, but there is in Bull$h!t. I always liked that particular reply at my old job…. 8)

                      That’s another good one! 😆

                      I love the “pep talks” they give, too. I think they want us to give 150% right now and once reach that goal, they’ll up it to 200%. 😕 Rah! Rah! Rah!


                      Ouch. I feel sorry for you guys who have to put up with pep talk. Just reading about it gets one feeling annoyed. Thank goodness there’s none of it when you work in a family business.


                        Yup, it’s truly annoying GB. Their 10 minute pep talks intended to get us in a “good mood” almost always have the opposite result. Their goals and ideas are just so unrealistic….and hearing about them for the past 3 or so years (when they started this nonsense) are resulting in people caring less, instead of more. People think we live in fantasy land with our dragons and griffins, but those people want to get blood out of a stone! 😆


                        Even if people wanted to be encouraged by pep talk, from what I’ve seen of it this chatter of “team” and “we can do it” is too childish to be taken seriously. It’d like they’re talking to a bunch of first-graders staging a sports events.


                          The “yay team” stuff really annoys us and puts us off as soon as we see it. As lamorte says, it has the exact opposite effect from what they want it to. 😕


                          So you don’t know anybody who actually likes or profit from the pep talk?

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