Poads, Poads, and more Poads!!!!

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    Misery loves company – and weakness loves sympathy. 😆


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      There are only 4 sugars left right now.

      Hm. I was toying with the idea of getting one, but I’ll guess they’ll be gone. Every time I think I can ease up on the CC and do a bit of real shopping, the next fancy, expensive piece pops up that must be had.

      Does that next fancy, expensive piece happen to be a Rising Spectral? 😉


      You betcha! (I was thinking I’d put some motorcycle parts on my card this month, since there wasn’t any Windstone out that I had to have… But I guess I left paying cash again. 😆 )


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        You betcha! (I was thinking I’d put some motorcycle parts on my card this month, since there wasn’t any Windstone out that I had to have… But I guess I left paying cash again. 😆 )

        Have you decided on what paint scheme you’re gonna go with for your bike? I liked that blue energie one the best.


          travistie wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          You betcha! (I was thinking I’d put some motorcycle parts on my card this month, since there wasn’t any Windstone out that I had to have… But I guess I left paying cash again. 😆 )

          Have you decided on what paint scheme you’re gonna go with for your bike? I liked that blue energie one the best.Me too!!!


          Yeah, I’ve decided to go with the “Energie” paint scheme. I’m still waiting for all the plastic parts to get in, though.
          The other day I came up with a “fursona” for the machine, though. (The bike’s name is Beastie, and a couple random comments by people suddenly put this idea in my head… I can be weird when I anthropomorphize things. 😕 ) I’ll sketch it out when I get a chance, and I might just put that on the airbox cover as well.


            Sweet! 😀


              I can’t wait to see that!!! 🙂


              It also depends how much space I have on the backside of the airbox cover. The airbrushing will already cost two or three thousand, just for lightning. If I add a critter, it’ll probably add to the price.
              Er… Didn’t mean to hijack your thread, travistie. 😳


                You’re not hijacking! I asked about it. 😆
                That’s a lot of money for some lightning to be airbrushed! I figured it would be expensive, but not over $1000.00! 😯

                I was thinking about getting some stripes put on the hood of my Mustang. A black stripe on each far side. I’ve actually been toying with the idea for about 3 years now! But I always ending up spending my money on something else.:lol:


                travistie wrote:

                You’re not hijacking! I asked about it. 😆
                That’s a lot of money for some lightning to be airbrushed! I figured it would be expensive, but not over $1000.00! 😯

                I was thinking about getting some stripes put on the hood of my Mustang. A black stripe on each far side. I’ve actually been toying with the idea for about 3 years now! But I always ending up spending my money on something else.:lol:

                Well, she hasn’t made me an official offer yet. I’ve calculated 3000.-, just to be on the safe side. If it costs less, I’ll feel like I saved money. 😛 Her price for painting a tank starts at 800.-, and I have ten pieces I’ll want her to paint, so I made a rough guess at the cost.


                  10 pieces with lighting on them? That will be pricey then. I used to watch American Chopper, and really liked when they showed the airbrush guy at work. Some of the stuff he did was amazing!


                  Some will have more color on them and some less. The farther down on the bike a piece is mounted, the less it’ll have it. Another option would be to only have her paint the seat cover, airbox cover, front shield and maybe front mudflap. But it would seem unfinished to me, so I want her to paint the plastic around the engine, too. The thing is that some of those pieces (which came with the bike) have a rough finish, versus the smooth on the naked plastic I’ve specially ordered to be painted. I’ll hoping she can put color on them anyway.


                    She can probably work with it, and have everything turn out nicely.


                    I hope so. Of course, if se can’t airbrush the rough surfaces, it’ll just save me money. Win-win. 😛

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