Poad pizza

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      cute pic tho!! 😉 😆


        Yep! All my favorites seem to be on the right side of her head. Hmm.


        kitsunelady wrote:

        8 and 10 for teh win! Although, #3 looks cute, but it’s hard to tell with her bum facing away from us.

        I guess we could try and match them up to this pic, where you can see their backs better ->

        Heehee. XD

        What a darling picture! 😀 I love how that white one is sitting on her chest.


        They look so cute! They look like they’re tickling her into submission! 😆


          *…tickle into submission 😆 😆 * There used to be an old tv commercial for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups that featured how people ate the candy… This pic reminds me of the commercial with an elderly couple sitting on the front porch and the lady says “Oh, he’s such a nibbler; nibble, nibble, nibble!” and then he leans over to her and replies “You’re next, my dear…” and she giggles like a young girl… I can just hear the poads, “nibble, nibble, nibble” 😆 😆 😆

          twindragonsmum 😀



            heehee XD @ the nibbling Poads



            Or possibly they’re whispering to her . . . . The picture makes me think of titles like “The Madness of Poads”, but it’d have to be a happy madness because they are Poads, after all. 🙂 They may be numerous and persistent, but we know they’re not malevolent. They just want us all to take some of them home! 😛 (“Pick me! Pick me!”)


              I think the white one is winning. XD


                Adaneth wrote:

                What a darling picture! 😀 I love how that white one is sitting on her chest.

                I love that white one! I hope Melody paints a few batches of them one day. Her eyes almost look mint green from the pic.

                I also really like those are dark ones with lavender eyes, off to the right of her. And that one with the hot pink dorsal stripe, that is wrapped in her hair at the top.


                  I like the white one too. XD A Snow Poad. I especially like the mostly red one with the orange eyes and white dorsal stripe, right side of her head…and the one below that, too. Those are definitely favorites. e.e


                  I like the evil looking one right at the top of her head… dark red and black colors and red eyes…

                  Actually I like all of them! But the evil looking one is my favorite!

                  EDIT: In the pic on the next post, he’s #15.


                    XD @ Evil Poad

                    That could be hilarious. e.e

                    Anyhow, I tried to number them. Some of them I couldn’t match, but the lighting is different…and the ones in the back of the pizza pic were hard to see. @.@ If these numbers are right, 8 and 18 are by far my favorites.


                    Yeah I don’t see how a poad could be evil, but he LOOKS evil.


                      Dragon87 wrote:

                      Yeah I don’t see how a Poad™ could be evil, but he LOOKS evil.

                      It’s the red eyes on black fur. >.> Demonic.


                      kitsunelady wrote:

                      Dragon87 wrote:

                      Yeah I don’t see how a Poad™™ could be evil, but he LOOKS evil.

                      It’s the red eyes on black fur. >.> Demonic.

                      Definitely. I want one. :squeak: :squeak:

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