Please send Thoughts / Prayers @ 3pm PST

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  • #785378
    Crimson Vision

      Hi Everyone,

      If it wouldn’t be too much to ask in about 1 hour 45 minutes from now it would mean alot to me if you paused for a moment to think about my friend Kitty. Kitty went into the hospital on the morning of September 11th and was later diagnosed with H1N1 (aka Swine Flu).

      The hospital will be shutting off her life support machines at 3pm Pacific time (5pm EST & 5pm Central).

      Even though it is believed she is already gone it is still hard to let her go.

      Thank you.

      Crimson Vision


          You have sympathies for you loss. And my well wishes for your friend on her journey. 😥

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            I’m so sorry! I know what you mean about it’s hard to let go. I’ll be thinking of Kitty when she crosses Rainbow Bridge. 🙁


            I did and I was in the dragon factory so hopefully that did a little extra good sorry for your loss


            Very sorry to hear of your loss. 🙁


              Thoughts and prayers sent, moment of silence observed. (was durring my accounting test so it wasn’t hard for everyone to give a moment of silence 🙂 ) Sending you big hugs Crimson! We’re here for you!

              Crimson Vision

                Thank you everyone. She (like me) was a Queen in the SCA. She was a Duchess. She was a Rose. She was a Knight. She was an Equestrian. She was a friend.

                A picture of her:

                Thank you everyone for the comments. We are stll waiting for final word form the West.


                  She was so young–how tragic! So sorry you lost a friend. Sending comforting thoughts your way [hughs].


                  I am so sorry. 😥 😥
                  She is beautiful, and I am sorry I didn’t see this before she passed. 🙁 Many prayers heading your way.


                  sorry I am a little late 😥


                  I’m sorry I was late. I’m so sorry for your loss. Such a tragedy. Sending prayers your way. (hugs)

                  Crimson Vision

                    Thanks again everyone. We got final word; a friend posted online last night for her husband, Sven.

                    Sven has asked that I post that Kolfinna Kottr, Kitty Sexton, has been taken by the Valkyries today at 4:55. She died as a true warrior with friends at her side and a weapon in hand.

                    Thank you ALL for your continuous support through this extremely trying time.

                    Thus ends the final court of Kolfinna Kottr.

                    Long live Kolfinna!

                    I honestly knew she passed right around that time; it was a sunny day here and I swear it was if the heavens opened up and just started crying. It was POURING. When it ended, the clouds cleared and the beautiful night sky was revealed…


                      I am a little late picking up your message but my sympathy goes out to you for the loss of your friend


                        I’m sorry I didn’t see this earlier. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. This year seems to be a horrible one for losing those we cherish.

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