Please respect our "per customer" limit

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Please respect our "per customer" limit

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  • #854905

      AlphaWolf29, with nothing but respect, please understand: no one was singled out. No one here had any idea this situation had anything to do with you, or your wife. I work for windstone, even, and I had no idea.
      The only reason we now know that one of the situations where this was a problem applied to your household that you came here and posted about it, upset. I implore you, please consider: if you were upset by this post/the email you got, and had simply contacted Windstone in private, surely this could have been resolved and matters cleared up with far less hurt feelings, all around. If, after you contacted Windstone and talked with Susie, you still felt that you had been done wrong, then I could understand you coming here and relaying your experience.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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        Thank you Jennifer for attempting to shed light on all aspects of this issue – it really does help trying to look at it from Windstone’s point of view too. Honestly, I don’t know of even one other company that would be so accommodating and understanding to their customers, and my feelings of love for this company only grows when I see the issues that you guys have to deal with, and how you’re constantly trying to make everything better for everyone!

        What to do? No, really– what to do?? What do you suggest??

        I stick by my 1-per-customer rule suggestion. It’s currently at 2 per customer, and I think that while these things are selling like hotcakes, 1 per customer is the MOST fair way to do it. Yes, some people won’t like it, but it gives those who aren’t as quick to snag them exactly 100% more of a chance to get one!

        As far as the household purchasing thing.. I’m really not sure if there IS an easy way to solve this. There’s only so much you can ask of people before it’s getting into privacy issues. Perhaps there could be a “master list” of people who have a significant other that buys just as much as their other half, just so that if there’s any question in the future Susie (or whoever catches these things) can check the list and know that it’s not someone trying to cheat the system.

        Then again, that doesn’t account for people that may have a S.O. that wishes to purchase something once in a great while and who may not be easily recognized, or even on the “list”.

        In short, I don’t know. I do think that the 1 per customer (not household!)rule should be enforced until the unis can last more than a day in the store :/

        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


          Wow…I missed all the fun. I didn’t get any unicorns from this batch and hadn’t planned on getting any from the next batch until I had seen how drastically different they were painted. I make no secret of how I love wild themes and these are definatly more feral then the unicorns in the past.

          I think it’s pretty sneaky to have two user names/accounts but have the same address so you can get twice as many and avoid the 1 per/ 2 per customer rules IF that’s what’s happening HOWEVER if people are roommates, significant others, etc…. wouldn’t you at least have two separate paypal accounts? Shaun and I do. He’s not big into gifts (especially Windstone gifts) but he did buy me a curlie once… anyway, my point being if it’s the case that it’s the same paypal account, very VERY close order numbers (suggesting the orders were placed at nearly the same moment), the same mailing address, etc I could easily see where Windstone has every right to be suspicious.

          I’m not going to name names, but it’s pretty easy to figure out who has cheated the system just in the amount of “trades” posted in the Flea Market but whatever. Even if there WASN’T a limit, I wouldn’t be buying 10 or 15 of something like this just because it is piggish and selfish to everyone else. Obviously you can’t ever truly figure out who is cheating or not, but I find it funny lots of these “situations” never happen with pieces that aren’t “grab bag/ooak style store products” I’m sure the same thing happened with the Young Unicorns which is why some particular people have like 6…10…20 (and those were just random numbers I picked so don’t get all riled up) Nothing was ever mentioned before “Oh well, oops, didn’t I mention, my significant other is a collector too” until Windstone made an announcement to play fair.

          I have almost 300 Windstones and am drowning in credit card debt from these statues, but come on guys. They’re freaking statues. Play nice please! Melody is probably regretting painting these in the first place for the store. They could all be selling for MUCH more as OOAKs on ebay so be grateful you get ANY and respect their requests!

          Got a busted Windstone?

          *OPEN for repairs*

          *SEEKING GRAILS*
          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
          Siphlophis Male Dragon
          Calypso Hatching Empress
          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
          Tattoo Mother Kirin
          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


            I for one really appreciate the work that Windstone does for us, including these restrictions.

            It is because of rulings like this that I have been able to get some of thier items in the past that with out it, I would have been out in the cold. Windstone has ALWAYS been more then willing to work with me, and generous when I have contacted them personally with an issue or question.

            The windstone staff has my thanks and appreciation for thier customer service and providing these products.


              I think a rule has to be picked and stuck with. I would say making either a limit of 1 per order or 2 per household seems fair. No rule will be perfect for everyone, but even if there are two collectors in the house, four going to a single address does seem a little unfair to the rest of the folks hoping to get one. By either bumping the per order limit down or making a hard limit per household, you would see a decrease in this – and if your spouse wants one, surely you can compromise with them and agree to each get one. Right? 🙂

              Now I’m sure someone will say, “but what if I have 3, 5, etc roommates/family members/etc who collect and live with me?!?!” Then I say to you – stop buying so many Windstones and get a second house! 😉 Just kidding!

              It sounds like Susie, Pam, Jennifer, and the team are doing the best they can. I would not have been offended to get an email like that from them, nor did this message upset me. If the email had been as mentioned, because of an S.O., I would have just asked for clarification on if that meant we should not both order. As to the post, I assumed it was just an effort on their part to keep things fair.


                I just want to make a correction on one of my previous posts. In at least some of these cases, including Alphas, the two orders were made with different accounts and/or paid for with different paypal accounts, but went to the same household.

                Also, we did email the various people involved, but it is my understanding that the email was NOT blatantly accusing anyone of being criminal. It did kindly ask that IF the person was trying to get around the 2-per limit, that they please stop.


                  I would think if anyone IS doing that, that a kind email will at least alert them that Windstone is indeed paying attention and hopefully who ever IS doing it will stop

                  Got a busted Windstone?
                  *OPEN for repairs*

                  *SEEKING GRAILS*
                  Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                  Siphlophis Male Dragon
                  Calypso Hatching Empress
                  Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                  Tattoo Mother Kirin
                  Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                  Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                  Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                  Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                  Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                  Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                    “What to do? No, really– what to do?? What do you suggest??”

                    Well I have had this case. When living with Purplecat in KY, it is cheaper to do one order for shipping. The Keepers were on a One -per -customer order. I sent Susie an email about it before they were in store, since we both have been verified and are two separate customers. They had no issue with this, and were able to make a note for my account.

                    At home too, my sister, Greyfireartz, lives with me. We also have ordered for each other, but again, we take the initiative to contact susie and explain the situation before the the item is in store. We do have separate accounts, but shipping is cheaper, so if we both are after the same item we get it in one box and pay with one account.

                    That is just what we have chosen to do, and it has worked out just fine for us. I’ve never had any problems with contacting windstone through the email or by phone and talking to the staff. They have allways been pleasant, informative, and willing to spend the time to work out any situation I have had.


                      I like the 2 per person rule. I have been able in the past to get one for me and for another forum member (not my roomie). This enabled me to help out another forum member when we wanted the same piece. I would not be able to do that if it went to 1 per person….and our willingness to help each other is one of the things that makes this forum so great.

                      Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                      Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                      Sun Dragon Koi #3


                        We don’t have anyone else to paint GB unis except Melody. She has been trying to get new things sculpted, so between that and being only one person, there is no way that we can fulfill the GB demand quickly. Trust me, if we could, we would be pumping out 50 a day until they stopped selling.

                        : /

                        When are yall going to clone Melody a couple of times? 😉 God bless her. Shes the hardest working (and kindest) person I know of.


                          We don’t have anyone else to paint GB unis except Melody. She has been trying to get new things sculpted, so between that and being only one person, there is no way that we can fulfill the GB demand quickly. Trust me, if we could, we would be pumping out 50 a day until they stopped selling.

                          : /

                          When are yall going to clone Melody a couple of times? 😉 God bless her. Shes the hardest working (and kindest) person I know of.

                          I’ll raise a glass to that! Let’s all send Melody some liquor and give her a day off! Then when she is nice and plastered she will REALLY paint some funky ponies for us! LOL! Okay okay, that was a joke! XD

                          Seriously though, we are working this woman to the bone! Windstone is simply asking to think of others and IF you are doing it to please knock it off. Simple as that. They’re not saying “No your roommate can’t buy any if you did, HOWEVER if people want to abuse the rule they might have to enforce something like a “per household” rule so please, just be respectful so they don’t have to do this. That’s all they are asking. There’s no need for everyone to get huffy and upset. We should ALL know by now Susie, Pam, and Melody ALL understand some people have specific circumstances that may be exceptions to the rule, but if they are not aware of that, then it puts them into a precarious situation and unfortunately they are not mind readers. They are doing their best to make us all happy.

                          Got a busted Windstone?
                          *OPEN for repairs*

                          *SEEKING GRAILS*
                          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                          Siphlophis Male Dragon
                          Calypso Hatching Empress
                          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                          Tattoo Mother Kirin
                          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons

                          Wampus Dragon

                            Clarifying. Hannah by “batch” I mean the next hundred painted. Not the remaining 25 or so from this ‘batch’. Not referring to the ones in the factory right now.


                              Clarifying. Hannah by “batch” I mean the next hundred painted. Not the remaining 25 or so from this ‘batch’. Not referring to the ones in the factory right now.

                              OK – thanks for clarifying Wampus!! I was really hoping you didn’t mean it in the way that I took it, which is why I prefaced what I said by “IF”! Thanks 🙂

                              Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                              Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                                “What to do? No, really– what to do?? What do you suggest??”

                                Well I have had this case. When living with Purplecat in KY, it is cheaper to do one order for shipping. The Keepers were on a One -per -customer order. I sent Susie an email about it before they were in store, since we both have been verified and are two separate customers. They had no issue with this, and were able to make a note for my account.

                                At home too, my sister, Greyfireartz, lives with me. We also have ordered for each other, but again, we take the initiative to contact susie and explain the situation before the the item is in store. We do have separate accounts, but shipping is cheaper, so if we both are after the same item we get it in one box and pay with one account.

                                That is just what we have chosen to do, and it has worked out just fine for us. I’ve never had any problems with contacting windstone through the email or by phone and talking to the staff. They have allways been pleasant, informative, and willing to spend the time to work out any situation I have had.

                                This…yes! I was only trying to make the point that rules MUST exist, they keep order in any situation, and unfortunatly, with rules it’s bound to happen that it doesnt fit every situation, or every individual perfectly.

                                And, that with any rule there will be people out there looking for those loopholes, and cheating those rules. Not everyone respects rules…it’s just a fact…a sad and unhappy fact…but, there’s no changing it. A nice rule with fewer loopholes simply saves the supplier headaches of trying to figure out who is who. Fewer headaches is a good thing.

                                I think a rule of two per household is SUPER fair….and quite generous as well. It’s going to be rather rare that you have more than two collections going on in one household anyway… and that’s only if you’re not willing to contact and ask Windstone staff for help in your situation.

                                Like Koishii pointed out, even at the time it was a one per customer…a simple phone call was all we needed to fix the situation. PLUS! Isnt it just incredibly awesome that windstone has a 1 800 number for our convenience…so we dont have to pay long distance charges to make that quick inquiry?


                                  I love you, everyone at Windstone <3

                                  Just wanted to say 🙂

                                  Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                                  Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!

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