
please dont' be too green .. with envy Emerald OW

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      hmm order colors … i wish then i’d instalntly have a emerald/jade family or the Violet peacock liek the o/w i saw
      okay maybe not.
      actually i was teasing. tho it is tempting, i think i should go for the emerald lap and mother BT has since i am getting the emerald male and fledgie from them i could just ship it all together save on shipp and then by a pyo or pay off my oriental on layaway..
      or .. try a second time ot get the lifesize stuffed moma snow leopard .. choices. btw i noticed last 2 days i am all by my lonesom on the chat figures my day off everyone is poofed .


        Whistful wrote:

        ski one wouldn’t know he was decapitated at one point would they .. all this time i thought he was emerald …. lol

        He looks really good to me! Better than mine! Oh, wait.. I dont have one… *Waaaahhhh!!!!* J/k Congrats! Those are in high demand and I think, prettier than the regular emerald… though your OW gives him a run for his money.


          sorry ski not willing to give him up i wasn’t before and definatly not now lol! he always be my first green you can see a line of the crack up close wish you luck tho. i figure if i can get one and not have a clue what i had, others maybe too. btw my bf see’s your “think pink” and he wants a dragon that looks just like that .. i had to explain painting fledgies isn’t allowed and they dont’ come in that color yet lol


            Whistful wrote:

            hmm order colors … i wish then i’d instalntly have a emerald/jade family or the Violet peacock liek the o/w i saw
            okay maybe not.
            actually i was teasing. tho it is tempting, i think i should go for the emerald lap and mother BT has since i am getting the emerald male and fledgie from them i could just ship it all together save on shipp and then by a pyo or pay off my oriental on layaway..
            or .. try a second time ot get the lifesize stuffed moma snow leopard .. choices. btw i noticed last 2 days i am all by my lonesom on the chat figures my day off everyone is poofed .

            All by your lonesome? I’ve never had so many posts and threads to read as in these last few days! πŸ˜† Hey, and the emeralds are gorgeous. Go for it and leave my Riser alone. πŸ˜†


              Whistful wrote:

              sorry ski not willing to give him up i wasn’t before and definatly not now lol! he always be my first green you can see a line of the crack up close wish you luck tho. i figure if i can get one and not have a clue what i had, others maybe too. btw my bf see’s your “think pink” and he wants a dragon that looks just like that .. i had to explain painting fledgies isn’t allowed and they dont’ come in that color yet lol

              Thats ok. Im currently not in the market for one. I maaaay be making a big purchase in the next week or so, so I dont have the money *Sits back and waits for the influx of jades on Ebay*


                on the MIRC chat first few days talked to spark rusti and chessie and the lats 2 days no one is there


                skigod377 wrote:

                Whistful wrote:

                sorry ski not willing to give him up i wasn’t before and definatly not now lol! he always be my first green you can see a line of the crack up close wish you luck tho. i figure if i can get one and not have a clue what i had, others maybe too. btw my bf see’s your “think pink” and he wants a dragon that looks just like that .. i had to explain painting fledgies isn’t allowed and they dont’ come in that color yet lol

                Thats ok. Im currently not in the market for one. I maaaay be making a big purchase in the next week or so, so I dont have the money *Sits back and waits for the influx of jades on Ebay*

                Are you going to try for the violet flame on Ebay?


                  mimitrek wrote:

                  Are you going to try for the violet flame on Ebay?

                  Nope… I could never afford it… though I really want it. I may actually be getting a Flame OW. If not, I will take that money and put in a bid on the Ebay one… but who knows what will happen.

                  I have been on the chat a few times, but its always empty. πŸ™


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  I may actually be getting a Flame OW.

                  Oh, did you find someone who was willing to part with theirs?

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  I have been on the chat a few times, but its always empty. πŸ™

                  Ha, I was just on there but I left after about 10 minutes since there was no one else on there. I guess the problem is that there’s no way for people who are on the forum to know that anyone’s in the chat.


                    i’d need to sell 2 herds of horses to pay for him i think. as it was the 45 i sold netted me 550 but take about a hundred to pack ship and insure all of them don’t ask how much i had invested in them, that is horses i have had for up to 10-15 years or more lol i didn’t get into the horse collecting for profit tho i just loved them. over the years my directions changed focus and now i’m mostly keeping arabian ones and selling everything else for windstones i missed … hehe the ow i want is the black violet peacock yummmmy purple passion


                      HAH mim just missed you πŸ˜› i was on ans Nemera it means leopard in some language bf picked it for me


                        Oooohhh!! You’re Nemera! I was wondering who that was!!


                        That was you? I saw nemera listed, but no one responded so maybe you had just logged off…


                          yeah i’m always on some irc even when i’m at aork i leave it logged on but when you are on more than one server at a time it’s hard to have differnt nicks i concidered changing my name here but .. then i figure i’d confuse people even more lol btw ski that “goldfish” dragon looks like it’s major droolage bait


                            Whistful wrote:

                            yeah i’m always on some irc even when i’m at aork i leave it logged on but when you are on more than one server at a time it’s hard to have differnt nicks i concidered changing my name here but .. then i figure i’d confuse people even more lol btw ski that “goldfish” dragon looks like it’s major droolage bait

                            Im lovin it, too!! πŸ˜€

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