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    skigod377 wrote:

    dragonessjade wrote:

    starbreeze wrote:

    Hey Dragoness!!! It says in your profile that you enjoy playing games. What type? Video games? Card games? Board games? Inquiring (nosey) minds want to know!!! 😆

    😆 Well my bf says I like to play mind games…haha Seriously, I like to play computer games (silly games like Solitare, Backgammon, up to RPG) and yes that means that I like playing board games and card games as well. When we were little and we would visit both of our grandmothers we use to play Rummy (card game) with them. That is what we mostly did. We would eat, play Rummy, eat some more and play Rummy some more. That is one reason why I miss them so much. Grandmothers always seem to hold together a family and when they leave then not only are they gone, but the extended family doesn’t get together as much.
    Anyways, back to the question…I also enjoy playing Spyro and other games on my PS2. I think if it were allowed then I would play games at work all day long and then chat on here as well. 😀

    Hey, do you guys play Tripoli? Old folks LOVE Tripoli. Something you may want to look into next time you visit them.

    I haven’t heard of Tripoli. How do you play it? Oh and I can’t visit my grandmothers anymore because they are in a better place (so I am told). I could try to see if my bf’s grandmother likes it if I learn how to play.


      Its a combination of Poker, Rummy, and one other game. One hand of cards, three games, lots of betting. 🙂


        Like Dragoness, my grandmothers are no longer with us, but my one grandmother was still playing bingo when she was 95. She usually won too!!! 😀


        skigod377 wrote:

        Its a combination of Poker, Rummy, and one other game. One hand of cards, three games, lots of betting. 🙂

        Aw, that sounds cool. Do you buy it at the store or do you use a whole bunch of stuff from the other games?


          dragonessjade wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          Its a combination of Poker, Rummy, and one other game. One hand of cards, three games, lots of betting. 🙂

          Aw, that sounds cool. Do you buy it at the store or do you use a whole bunch of stuff from the other games?

          You buy it at the store. I dont know what kind of person came up with the crazy idea, but it actually is fun.


            I like chinese checkers…lol..I have a computer version I like to play, it has hangman too, which I really like! 😀


              dragonessjade wrote:

              ruffian wrote:

              Look for Munchkin, it is a great card game, just a silly game.

              I love that game. Have you ever played Killer Bunnies?

              Have you guys played Hi Ho Cherry-O or Candyland when you were kids?

              I thought of playing killer bunnies but the cards didn’t have enough variety for me. Guess I’m a snob from playing MTG and Legend of the five rings. I like my card games to be really artistic if I’m going to buy add-ons and such. There’s this game called BANG! that’s really fun. I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Apple’s to apples is really fun but you need a large group of people that all know eaachother about the same degree for it to work.

              I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
              Engaged to a Weasel


              I love to waste time on my PC with JongPuzzle
              It’s sort of a cross between Solitare and Mah Jong

              I’ve used the free download for over a year. You only get two siszes but thats enough for me to putter with


                Milk Money!!!


                skigod377 wrote:

                dragonessjade wrote:

                skigod377 wrote:

                Its a combination of Poker, Rummy, and one other game. One hand of cards, three games, lots of betting. 🙂

                Aw, that sounds cool. Do you buy it at the store or do you use a whole bunch of stuff from the other games?

                You buy it at the store. I dont know what kind of person came up with the crazy idea, but it actually is fun.

                Cool, I will have to look for it. 😀


                BiPolarBear wrote:

                dragonessjade wrote:

                ruffian wrote:

                Look for Munchkin, it is a great card game, just a silly game.

                I love that game. Have you ever played Killer Bunnies?

                Have you guys played Hi Ho Cherry-O or Candyland when you were kids?

                I thought of playing killer bunnies but the cards didn’t have enough variety for me. Guess I’m a snob from playing MTG and Legend of the five rings. I like my card games to be really artistic if I’m going to buy add-ons and such. There’s this game called BANG! that’s really fun. I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Apple’s to apples is really fun but you need a large group of people that all know eaachother about the same degree for it to work.
                Well I did play MTG as well and I still think Killer bunnies is fun. 😛 I still have my MTG cards…maybe I should start thinking about selling them.

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