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      I was wondering if you were planning on retiring any current colors soon. There are several pieces I want to buy, but with Frodo’s surgery looming, I would like to only get what will be gone soon.



          Uh oh. What does Frodo need surgery for?


            Phoenix wrote:

            I was wondering if you were planning on retiring any current colors soon. There are several pieces I want to buy, but with Frodo’s surgery looming, I would like to only get what will be gone soon.

            We aren’t planning to retire any more production colors real soon, at least not ’till after we move.
            The lp’s come and go all the time, though!
            What is Frodo getting surgery for?


              He’s been battling an impaction of a couple teeth. He’s been on antibiotics for a month now and he’s still spikes a fever now and then.
              I’ve got two more weeks to try and get him better otherwise he’ll have to get his teeth pulled. They’ll have to go through his face which will end his show career and probably his stud career 😥
              So we’re keeping our fingers crossed and praying he gets better.


              Phoenix wrote:

              He’s been battling an impaction of a couple teeth. He’s been on antibiotics for a month now and he’s still spikes a fever now and then.
              I’ve got two more weeks to try and get him better otherwise he’ll have to get his teeth pulled. They’ll have to go through his face which will end his show career and probably his stud career 😥
              So we’re keeping our fingers crossed and praying he gets better.

              Why would it affect his stud career? Just because he had surgery on his teeth, doesn’t make him a lesser breeding prospect. I can understand about the surgery affecting his appearance, but not what he has to offer genetically.

              Unless the teeth problem is something that was inherited.



                Awww… 🙁 I hope that Frodo does get better!


                  Our pony, Moon, had his bad tooth pulled out through his mouth… icky, but not surgey!


                    Frodos teeth are impacted and to make it worse, they are on the skull instead of his jaw. So I’m told they would have to go through his nasal cavity to get to them.

                    In the Welsh equitation, after riding, the judges ask you to unsaddle the pony and stack them up. Part of the judging is the overall beauty of the pony.
                    If Frodo’s face is scarred, he’d be marked down. If he doesn’t do well in the shows, most people would pass him up because he doesn’t have a good show record.
                    So if he ends up having the surgery, I would most likely try to put if off until spring when I can breed my mares and then geld him when he’s under. It would be a hard decision, but at least I have a little one coming in May by him.
                    Big plans…


                    Aw, I’m sorry about Frodo, Phoenix. I hope everything works out.


                      Poor Frodo. 🙁 I hope everything turns out ok.


                      Poor Frodo 🙁 poor Phoenix. I’m sorry.
                      Doesn’t the show record he already has count? If you tell people he had a great show record but then had teeth pulled, you would think they’d be willing to accept that.


                        I’m so sorry Frodo needs surgery. Hope this works out for you and him.


                        Hope things work out great for Frodo!!


                          I’m sorry Frodo has bad teeth. I hope it all works out for you both.

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