pink dragons

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      Dragon Master wrote:

      I’m now wondering what a Pink Emperor would look like??? πŸ™„

      Me too, but mostly just because he tends to have some extra coloring on him. I know he’s the prettiest peacock one I’ve got…. I think he’d be neat to see, even if pink isn’t necessarily a masculine color.


        I would probably buy a curlie, but I’m not sure if I’d buy any of the other pieces in pink.


        Maebnus3 wrote:

        I’d love a fledgie and a curlie in pink. Anything more is just a bonus for pink-lovers.

        Ditto πŸ˜€ .


        Probably not.. just not a fan of the color.


          It could be just me, but I think the “pink” shell color would look pretty on a lot of sculps. I normally wouldn’t go for a pink dragon (sorry Ski), but the shell color is very pretty.

          I would probably buy a curly, a young dragon and maybe a lap. It would be interesting to see it on an OW, but since I don’t collect that sculp it wouldn’t be a temptation to buy. I think it would look darling on a fledgling, but it wouldn’t be one I would buy, but I know quite a few other members would.

          What color eyes are you thinking of using?

          Melody, it might be good to take pre-orders so you know how many would be interested in purchasing this color – just a thought.


          Zelda wrote:

          It’d be a real interesting challenge to get the male dragons, emperors, and old warriors to be pink and still look tough and angry! πŸ˜†

          My sentiments exactly….but a curl, a coiled and a fledgie would be cute….just cause I lovethe curlies.


            Maebnus3 wrote:

            Dragon Master wrote:

            I’m now wondering what a Pink Emperor would look like??? πŸ™„

            Me too, but mostly just because he tends to have some extra coloring on him. I know he’s the prettiest peacock one I’ve got…. I think he’d be neat to see, even if pink isn’t necessarily a masculine color.

            We had the rodeo cowboys all wearing pink this year as par tof the “Tough enough to wear pink” campaign for breast cancer. And DAng did some of them look good *drool* I think Melody could make it work for the ‘male’ sculpts πŸ˜€ they are definately “Tough enough” πŸ˜€ 😈


              Melody can make ANYTHING look good


                foxfeather wrote:

                We had the rodeo cowboys all wearing pink this year as par tof the “Tough enough to wear pink” campaign for breast cancer. And DAng did some of them look good *drool* I think Melody could make it work for the ‘male’ sculpts πŸ˜€ they are definately “Tough enough” πŸ˜€ 😈

                πŸ˜† I would’ve loved to see that. I used to chuckle in Hot Topic when I saw a baby pink t-shirt that said “Real Men Wear Pink”. I’ve only seen 2 guys wear it, and they were anything but impressive enough to back that statement (tall, gangly teens). πŸ˜†

                And I think Melody’s just gonna have to do a test paint of all the sculpts in pink so we can decide properly πŸ˜‰


                  SilverArrow wrote:

                  Melody, it might be good to take pre-orders so you know how many would be interested in purchasing this color – just a thought.

                  I think this is a good idea, since not everyone is crazy about the idea of pink dragons. Everyone can say maybe or maybe not in a thread… but a pre-order would actually provide Melody with solid results.

                  Okay, I’ll start! I’ll take a Lap, Spectral, Scratcher, and Fledge in pink please. πŸ˜†


                  How about a poll? Something like:

                  “Vote for the dragon that you ‘absolutely would’ spend money on, not the one that ‘might’ buy if you had the money.” Pick the highest dragon, assuming that if it is not available, you would still buy something smaller.

                  …Lap, Scratcher
                  …RS, Spectral
                  …Male, Mother
                  …Young, Fledgling
                  …Curlie, coiled
                  …Not sure, would have to see the color scheme first
                  …Nope, not gonna, can’t make me!

                  I tried to group similar dragons. Maybe someone else can do a better selection. It’s just a suggestion since I don’t if I can make a poll in this thread or if it’s even a good idea. πŸ˜€


                    I know that whatever Melody makes looks great but personally i’m just not crazy about PINK… I probably would not get one.



                    Maebnus3 wrote:

                    foxfeather wrote:

                    We had the rodeo cowboys all wearing pink this year as par tof the “Tough enough to wear pink” campaign for breast cancer. And DAng did some of them look good *drool* I think Melody could make it work for the ‘male’ sculpts πŸ˜€ they are definately “Tough enough” πŸ˜€ 😈

                    πŸ˜† I would’ve loved to see that. I used to chuckle in Hot Topic when I saw a baby pink t-shirt that said “Real Men Wear Pink”. I’ve only seen 2 guys wear it, and they were anything but impressive enough to back that statement (tall, gangly teens). πŸ˜†

                    Yech. Real men don’t wear pink.


                      Greater Basilisk wrote:

                      Yech. Real men don’t wear pink.

                      Hmm when I was in Italy…..a lot of men were wearing pink…and they looked pretty real…

                      although…that was a long time ago…and pink is so out of style for men now….LOL


                        I think pink would sell, but not in the same quanities as the black gold or red gold colors….I personally think the male and emperor dragons would look hideous in pink, but the lap and mother would be awesome. I don’t know.

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