Yes! I’ve been begging for more pink dragons for the past few years. Really want a pink coiled momma, but I know there are egg issues with those right now.
Oh PLEASE! Please make some LP pink Coiled Mommas once you get the egg “issue”. And maybe some of the other dragons done as LP pieces in pink. I would love to see Fledglings and Mother dragons done that way :)….
(and maybe a batch of LP large white flap cat with pearly pink wings to – heheee)
Who knows… we’ve done a batch or two of pink curlies, which I plan to restock at some point…and I actually LIKE some of the shell pink colors…anything is possible.
Yes, Please more pinks! I’ve been wanting them as soon as I saw the first ones out, but of course they were already sold out by the time I knew they existed. Pink is my favorite color, and I don’t have any pinks 🙁 I’ve tried to buy them from the flea market forum, but no one seems to want to part with theirs. So please, restock pinks! 🙂