
Pink Dragons

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    Melody, I absoultely LOVE the pink laps!!! And I love you for making them! I would love to see more sculpts in that color, so will there be any others? No rush, since I am pretty tight right now with cash, but WOW I will take out a second mortgage to get more pinks(especially a secret keeper)! 😯

    You are the absolute BEST!!!!! **inset huggy smiley here**



    I can’t afford her right now, but THANK YOU MELODY! ^^ I will be getting one from the next batch if these sell out before I have money. I hope the next batch varies and gets a little darker pink similar to my curlie ^^


    Ms. Melody,


    She’s very pretty and looks so … dainty.

    Ruh roh, I find myself strangly being pulled to the Dark I mean Pink side.


      Awesome Miss Melody. You are the best.


      She must really love you Ski! 😉 😆 😆 Thanks Melody! I have to say, pink is beginning to grow on me. 😳


        Thank you so much Melody!!! She’s perfect!!! I can’t wait to see her in person!!! 😀


          Love that pink lap


          That pink lap is beautiful. If only I knew this morning. I wouldn’t have bought the black violet. Now there is only one left, and I’ve little money left….

          Will there be more?


            Yes Melody, thank you so much for having these done for us! 😀
            I was so excited to see them in the store today.


            Thank you, Melody, for taking the time out of your extremely busy days to paint pieces like these for us! We really appreciate it! That pink color is so becoming on the Lap; she looks so dainty!


              THANXS MELODY for the Stunning Pink Lap!!!! i cant wait till i get her !!


                skigod377 wrote:

                Awesome Miss Melody. You are the best.

                Heehee, I saw the pink laps (among other things) when I was down there last. I even said, Oh ski will be happy! 😆


                I missed them… 😥

                While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                aww, it’s only the first batch! no worries! there will be more after the move eventually, you know that if there’s enough squeaks, there’ll be more, and we are two squeaks right now 🙂 when we all have more money hopefully 😀

                I didn’t get one either, but that’s because I has no monies for extra stuff, it all goes to bills. And I’m still waiting on my taxes and rebate…grr

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