Pink Dragon Poll

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      SilverArrow wrote:

      This might be going a little too far with the pink genre but I think the white baby Pegasus with pink stones in it’s collar with pink fringed wings would also be a great marketing promotion for promoting Breast Cancer awareness month and would be appealing to more people. (Just thinking out loud.)

      Or the mother pegasus!


        pegasi1978 wrote:

        SilverArrow wrote:

        This might be going a little too far with the pink genre but I think the white baby Pegasus with pink stones in it’s collar with pink fringed wings would also be a great marketing promotion for promoting Breast Cancer awareness month and would be appealing to more people. (Just thinking out loud.)

        Or the mother pegasus!

        Indeed πŸ˜€


        Think Pink! πŸ˜€

        I love the idea of pink dragons! Where do I sign up?


          Goldragon2! wrote:

          Think Pink! πŸ˜€

          I love the idea of pink dragons! Where do I sign up?
          Hopefully NO WHERE!! Melody sadi she does not want to make Pink Dragons at least not for a production color. I hope that does not change. I do want to get my curl but I think that will be enough


            Wow…the coiled and the fledgie are pretty close at the moment…11 and 12…


            I voted for making it a production color ^^ I LOVE pink ^^ I’d want the full family



              Leigha wrote:

              I voted for making it a production color ^^ I LOVE pink ^^ I’d want the full family

              NNNOOOO!!!!! Say it isn’t so!!


              YES! It’s so!! Pink pink pink ^^


                We’re not afraid to gang up on you DM 😈 PINK!

                "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                -J R R Tolkien


                No pink. Melody said so. πŸ˜›


                Artists are allowed to change their minds…

                and we can hope and dream and squeAk our heads off



                I know. πŸ˜‰ Just teasing.


                  DM, think how good pink dragons will be for your wallet!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰ “Just Say No” and all that…


                    I love the idea of pink dragons, but not as a regular production color. I think they should just be kept as LP. It makes them more special, and Melody doesn’t have to make as many of them…. which is good for her! πŸ˜€



                    Goldragon2! wrote:
                    Think Pink!

                    I love the idea of pink dragons! Where do I sign up?

                    Hopefully NO WHERE!! Melody sadi she does not want to make Pink Dragons at least not for a production color. I hope that does not change. I do want to get my curl but I think that will be enough

                    I would be happy with LP, because I don’t think they would appeal to the general public, but I would never rag on anyone who would like something special. For example, I am not a fan of the old green, but I am not going to insult anyone for liking it. We are all different, which is what makes this world more interesting. πŸ˜€ Imagine the horror if everyone liked old green or baby blue or something like that! 😯 😯

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