Pink dolphin

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    skigod377 wrote:

    When I grow up im gonna get one and put it in my back yard. My back yard will contain a beach, by the way.

    Oh nice, I always wanted a beach, can I come over to play in your backyard?


    we currently have an albino kitten that was born all by himself lol


      Those dolphins are really neat! I wish they had some closer pics of them…I’m gonna have to google pink dolphins now… 🙂


        Dracomancer wrote:

        we currently have an albino kitten that was born all by himself lol

        R U keeping him??


          Dragon Master wrote:

          I’d lOVE to see the pink dolphin in real life
          I thought you where askign Melody for a Pink Dolphin

          Melody would kill me! 😆


            PaperCut wrote:

            Is that real? It looks kind of photoshopped to me. o.o but wow, if it is real that’s so cool 😀

            As mentioned by others, is a great place for checking the validity of photos, stories, etc. You can spend hours on that site, just poking around. I def. checked it out before I posted it.


              That is a gorgeous picture


              Dracomancer wrote:

              we currently have an albino kitten that was born all by himself lol

              Is he deaf? they usually are.


              Wow that’s surreal-looking!


              yes were keeping the kitten and no hes not deaf but he is blind

            Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)
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