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      Had my diagnostic pain proceedure today and the one where they fry the nerves tomorrow, so Dad made me a lemon cream pie for being brave – it’s like eating sunshine!

      twindragonsmum 🙂




        It does not matter how slowly you go so long, as you do not stop. 🙂
        You will get better soon! I’m absolutely certain of that.

        … A diseased body often harbours a great soul


          I don’t know about a great soul – but it was very kind of you to say so! I know I prolly talk about stuff here way more often than folk here are comfortable with and I am sorry for that – It’s just that 14 years of excrutiating, non stop pain can be tough to deal with and so I’m very greatful to have at least one “someone” out there that will at least listen for a bit… Thanks for all your support, my family… This proceedure was tougher than the last; the docs were working aroung my lower spinal coloumn and hip bone area – we’ll just say “OUCH!” and leave it at that… I do have to say that it’s strange to be able to feel the texture of the carpet for the first time in I do’t know how loooong! Sorta weird to say the least! Get to go home tomorrow; a 4 hour drive with ao meds of any sort till I get home, so please keep your fingers crossed! Thankies again!

          twindragonsmum 🙂


          Hey, “if there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun”.
          You don’t moaning. 🙂
          As a rule people need friends and expect help and comfort from each other.
          I think many people hear …alarm, embarrassment, perturbation, calamity is man’s true touchstone.

          “Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.” Don’t worry, you can! 🙂


          “Need makes the old wife trot. Slow and steady wins the race.” You wouldn’t believe it is true? What fun!

          I know how are you feeling?! 🙂
          You gain a victory.
          You are conquering.
          You will get better soon.


            I am so glad you found us! Your words to me have offered comfort and peace… thank you for having such a gentle soul and one that is willing to offer comfort in times of trials.

            twindragonsmum 🙂


              ~hugs for twindragonmum~

              hope you feel better soon, and enjoy your pie!~

              I love pie…key lime pie is one of my all time favorite desserts.


                thankies, PC! Dad has two different sorts of lemon pie in his repetoire – lemon cream pie (no merengine) and his mother’s two crust lemon pie… I’ll try to dig ’em both out and post ’em here!

                twindragonsmum 🙂


                  Dad is digging out the lemon cream pie recipe so I’ll post it when he emails it. He also has a killer Key Lime Pie recipe and a California Sunshine pie, so I’ll add those as well!

                  twindragonsmum 🙂


                    Dad is digging out the lemon cream pie recipe so I’ll post it when he emails it. He also has a killer Key Lime Pie recipe and a California Sunshine pie, so I’ll add those as well!

                    twindragonsmum 🙂

                    What’s a California Sunshine pie??

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