Pic Competition Beginning 1ST post updated.

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      Blackdesertwind wrote:

      siberakh1 wrote:

      We have until tomorrow night right? I have one that I just remembered I took not too long ago, but I want to see if I can try and get the shot I’d like to (need to see if the weather cooperates tomorrow afternoon though).

      Hi You might want to read this! 😉

      skigod377 wrote:

      6. All photo entries must be submitted by November 21st to be considered for voting.

      So when do we get to see the photos up for the contest and vote?
      I can’t wait! 😈

      Oh poo… that’s what I get for working and having no free time the last few weeks. Guess I missed the deadline to post in. Oh well. :shrug:


        Today is the 21st, so any photos entered today would be elligible. 🙂 As soon as GB gets everything together, a new topic will be made where folks can vote for their favorite photo. I hope we got a few more entries.


          skigod377 wrote:

          I hope we got a few more entries.

          Same here. I can’t wait to see them all 🙂 :shout: Come on people, the more the better!


          Yes! I want to see all the pretty photos, I hope there are more then the what.. 5 or so entries we have now?

          I was hoping for at least 10… Oh well… less competition for me then, right? lol 😈


            😕 What, no pics yet? AWWWWWwww 🙁 😛 😈


              I’m late, I know…this not being able to log in is seriously starting to piss me off!! 🙄 Just sent in my pic, hope you all don’t mind that I’m slightly 😳 late…


              No problem, Jasmine – I got it!
              Okay, I now have… five or six entries. They’re all at home on my laptop so I can’t check, but further procedure is as follows: I’ll upload all the pictures to a Photobucket account so I can post them to a new thread in the forum for votes. Ten days for voting should suffice, so give me until tomorrow to get the thread up and we’ll say the voting closes on December 1 – I’ll announce the winner on December 2. Following that, I’ll take all the pictures off Photobucket so they don’t end up places their owners don’t want them to be.
              I hope that’s okay with everyone; it’s how we did it last time. 😀


                Sounds good to me. 😀


                  Mos Def.


                    LOL! I totally spaced out on this. 😆


                    One problem. To December 1st from today (and you don’t have the thread up, I see, so it has to be Tuesday for you by now) that’s only 6 days not 10. Maybe go to December 5th? That’s 11 I guess but it’s a nice even number.

                    The rest of it sounds good though. 😀


                    Oops. You’re right, of course. Must have been typing while I was on the phone again. Okay, voting deadline is DECEMBER 5. I will announce the winner on St. Nicolas’ Day, December 6. That fits nicely.
                    Now to post the photos…

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