For a link, simply paste the link in. For example if you wanted to link to just copy and paste the URL here and it will automatically make it a link for you, i.e.:
Fantasy Sculpture & Dragon Figurines
To post an image, you need to have the image hosted/uploaded somewhere on the internet. If you do not have your own website you can host your photos someplace such as imageshak (I would recommend against Photobucket. They can sell prints of your photos, which is not good news for Windstone in a legal sense). Once uploaded, take the entire URL of the image and copy it. Then come here and make a post. When you want to post the image, click the “Img” button at the top. Paste the URL of your image, then click the “Img” button once again. Viola! Your photo should show up.
These boards do not use HTML but instead use the BBCode which you use via the buttons at the top of your post window.
If you have trouble please let us know and we’ll be glad to help!
Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
My art: