
Photos from the new Windstone factory! (Image heavy)

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    OMG that building is HUGE!!! I can’t fathom how you are going to get that all unpacked within the rest of the year!


      Nuke wrote:

      OMG that building is HUGE!!! I can’t fathom how you are going to get that all unpacked within the rest of the year!

      Nuke! i love your avy!


        Very nice building indeed. It looks great from the inside too.


          Nuke wrote:

          OMG that building is HUGE!!! I can’t fathom how you are going to get that all unpacked within the rest of the year!

          The sad thing is that that building is a downsize from the one in CA!

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


            Jennifer wrote:

            Nuke wrote:

            OMG that building is HUGE!!! I can’t fathom how you are going to get that all unpacked within the rest of the year!

            The sad thing is that that building is a downsize from the one in CA!

            yes… and I can’t imagine where they put any of that stuff they had at the old one… 😯


              just from what little casting and painting I’ve done…it’s amazing how much STUFF is involved in each step of the process…and how much space it can take up…like boxes and prototypes and molds…molds take up SOOO much room….then you gotta figure that windstone has lots MORE stuff….like painting booths and other things, not to mention how MANY products they produce….It makes my head hurt just thinking about trying to keep track of so much stuff… 😯 😯 😯 The new place may look big, but I’m sure they need every square inch!!!!!….and would probably not object to more…


              KoishiiKitty wrote:

              Nuke! i love your avy!

              Thanks X3 It was just a quick unfinished experiment in Painter X.

              Jennifer wrote:

              The sad thing is that that building is a downsize from the one in CA!

              *gasp* D: Well I guess with moving, things can be organized and space made more efficient, neh?


                Jennifer wrote:

                Nuke wrote:

                OMG that building is HUGE!!! I can’t fathom how you are going to get that all unpacked within the rest of the year!

                The sad thing is that that building is a downsize from the one in CA!

                It is? It looks just as big. Oh well. I’m sure we’ll all do our best to keep the stock sell as fast as possible so you won’t have to store it. πŸ˜†


                  the perfect solution!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


                    Are you having fun with all those boxes?


                    Neato! πŸ˜€


                      Well these are ONLY pictures of one of the new buildings. they said they got a 2nd building too.


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      Well these are ONLY pictures of one of the new buildings. they said they got a 2nd building too.

                      I’ll have to take pics of the other one, too. It’s right down the street. Only trouble is, it’s ugly–we refer to it lovingly as “Chernobyl” (or in the worst case scenario, “Chury”). The building is a towering edifice of grey cement, and the yard is full of old cars and junk. At the moment it’s serving as nothing more than a storage unit.

                      By the way, since you ask, Darjeb, I never want to see a cardboard box again!!!!


                        I’m sure with all the TLC and artistic creativity Windstone will get it it will look GREAT in no time


                          Chessapeaka wrote:

                          Dragon Master wrote:

                          Well these are ONLY pictures of one of the new buildings. they said they got a 2nd building too.

                          I’ll have to take pics of the other one, too. It’s right down the street. Only trouble is, it’s ugly–we refer to it lovingly as “Chernobyl” (or in the worst case scenario, “Chury”). The building is a towering edifice of grey cement, and the yard is full of old cars and junk. At the moment it’s serving as nothing more than a storage unit.

                          By the way, since you ask, Darjeb, I never want to see a cardboard box again!!!!

                          I call it Chury because I like to. But seeing it on packages as Chury Chury! Makes me think of the song from Cinderella. Yes I have two little sisters so I have seen all the disney princess movies…and liked most of them. Disney movies were good back then. Now the only thing saving their butt is pixar.

                          I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                          Engaged to a Weasel

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