Photo Contest Voting Round 1 Page 1

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  • #816743

    I was astonished by the lack of cats. But that’s OK by me. However, if anyone had said to me: “There are 20 photos, all well done and fine examples of their subject matter even though none of them include naked or semi-naked women. One, and only one, is a photograph of a dog. A small dog, of the yappy kind. You will vote in the competition in order to vote for the dog,” I would have laughed. I would have been unable to imagine the circumstances that would have me voting for a photo of a dog over ANY photograph of vegetation or landscape.

    *Sigh*. So I just finished casting my votes. Damn you, Vampire Dog! You took my breath away!


    The Castle [Dave wrote:

    “]I was astonished by the lack of cats.

    Wait. Is that a cat? Not a dog? What IS that animal? It’s like those pictures that you look at and it’s obviously one thing, then your perception flips and it’s obviously something else entirely. A vampire dog-cat thing? There’s no such animal!


      I think it’s a cat! A gremlin cat, to be exact. 😈

      I love how it looks like he’s got a heart shaped nose! 😆


        Haha!! Dave, yes that is a cat. I know who submitted it and I am very confident it is a younglin’ kitty.

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