Photo contest rules and info

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  • #543378

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Nambroth wrote:

      12 entries? Okay, I changed the max # of poll questions from 10 to 12 temporarily so you can run this poll!

      Er, Nam, would you mind very much upping the poll question limit to 15? 😉

      15? Wow! Give me about 5 minutes and it’s done. Note it’s only temporary though- it’s usually 10 to prevent spammy-polls. Though that’s not really an issue anyway… hmm. ANYWAY, it’ll be adjusted in a few moments than you can poll away!

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        H’okay, you should be good to go. If you have any problems just ping me with an email or PM! 🙂

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


        Thanks! I’ll start up the new thread tomorrow morning my time.


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Thanks! I’ll start up the new thread tomorrow morning my time.

        NO!!! NOW NOW NOW! 😳


        Well… I guess there are only 3 hours left until the 13th… 😀


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Well… I guess there are only 3 hours left until the 13th… 😀

        Yeah!!! DO IT DO IT! We are dieing here!


        Seriously? Hm… Okay, uploading to Photobucket now.
        I know, I’m mean. 😛


          whippetluv wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Well… I guess there are only 3 hours left until the 13th… 😀

          Yeah!!! DO IT DO IT! We are dieing here!

          Ok Whippett youa re as bad as Ski was with the SECRET!!
          BTW I’m glad it is no longer a secret!!
          I thought the enrtries needed to be in today?? What if another late entry comes in??
          Has a new topic been posted with the pics?? I have not found it and it has not been formally addressed yet as far as I can tell


          Oof. I just got it up. Have fun!


            Yay!!!! 😀


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Oof. I just got it up. Have fun!

            Have fun!?!?! Where is it? Is there a link or something??????? **FEELS SOOOO STUPID RIGHT NOW!!** 😳 😯 😥


              There are 2 other topics to look at. One displays the photos, the other is a voting poll.


              I forgot to enter, can you believe it?? Sometimes I dunno where my mind goes too! It’s okay anyway, I’d never figure out which photo to enter…

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