Photo contest rules and info

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    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Umm, actually, Art Slinger said anything would do. And it better, since I have some entries with people in them and I think they’re pretty neat. πŸ˜€

    OK, looks like I missed a couple “posts” GEES 😯 πŸ˜•

    Okay this blonde aint keepin track anymore LOL! This is WHY GB has the honors of keeping track of all of this LMAO! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†


    Well, you remember I was doing a pretty poor job of it in the beginning… πŸ˜† I can’t wait to see the voting.


    Comon’ now GB, dont be hard on yourself. You werent doing a bad job ever! You had it down to a science! Sheesh, I KNOW I couldnt do it! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€ You kick booooooty gf! HAHA! πŸ˜€


    πŸ˜† Aw, can’t argue with that. Thanks, DC.


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    πŸ˜† Aw, can’t argue with that. Thanks, DC.

    And you shouldnt LOL! πŸ˜‰ Your welcome, its the truth and I know everyone else would agree! πŸ˜€


    Hah! Just got a last-minute 11th entry.


    And a 12th entry! This is going to be great.


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    And a 12th entry! This is going to be great.


    Whenya posting them for us all to see GB??? **SQUIRMS WITH EXCITEMENT!!** πŸ˜† 😯 πŸ˜€


    12 entries ain’t bad, all things considered, (like me not knowing how to run this thing). I hope another few squeek in under the time line, but an even dozen , is good.

    I apologize to the entire website community for not having a better plan of action. Also Greater Basilisk
    has done a wonderfull job of helping us all out, (actually saving the thing completely.) In the future I’ll be more cautious about suggesting situations that I’m not sure how to handle.
    The camera shutters have gone silent, the digital process is hummming along somewhere, and very soon there will be voted a winner,(without the ,”help”,of electronic voting machines.)
    Good Luck!


    Art Slinger wrote:

    12 entries ain’t bad, all things considered, (like me not knowing how to run this thing). I hope another few squeek in under the time line, but an even dozen , is good.

    I apologize to the entire website community for not having a better plan of action. Also Greater Basilisk
    has done a wonderfull job of helping us all out, (actually saving the thing completely.) In the future I’ll be more cautious about suggesting situations that I’m not sure how to handle.
    The camera shutters have gone silent, the digital process is hummming along somewhere, and very soon there will be voted a winner,(without the ,”help”,of electronic voting machines.)
    Good Luck!

    Speaking of voting…HOW exactly were we going to do that again? Everyone just PM GB with thier vote, or what? 😯 😳 πŸ˜• <—-Feels COMPLETELY BLONDE again LMAO! πŸ˜†


      12 entries? Okay, I changed the max # of poll questions from 10 to 12 temporarily so you can run this poll!

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        I think they will post all the pictures labled with numbers, and have a poll at the top so you can pick which #d pic you like best….at least that’s what I thought was going to happen =P I can be wrong.

        Thank you both, Art Slinger, and GB for undergoing this really cool idea, and sending it off without much of a hitch so far! =P *sorry if I just jinxed things* πŸ™„


        ROFLMAO! Shhhhhhh Nirvana πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†


          I just e-mailed my entry sorry it was last but I needed help scanning and getting the pic on line. I hope it is not too late. I had a charty function yesterday the raised $1165 so I was very busy producing that and could not get to scanning and sending the pics until right now.
          I also can’t wait to see them all!!
          This is very exciting


          Nambroth wrote:

          12 entries? Okay, I changed the max # of poll questions from 10 to 12 temporarily so you can run this poll!

          Er, Nam, would you mind very much upping the poll question limit to 15? πŸ˜‰

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