Photo contest rules and info

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    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Speaking of Photobucket, I thought I would save all the pictures to a separate Photobucket folder in my account. Would anyone prefer to have it done differently?

    That sounds cool to me, especially you can see ALL the pics at one time there πŸ˜€ . I would say just rename the pics if they are titled by anyones ScreenName πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€


    OH! Forgot something….are we….should we wait til the deadline to submit our fave? So, just in case we change our minds they wont be double-faved :lol:? …WOW I cant come up with any MAKE-SENSE sentences LMAO πŸ˜† !

    BOY I need HELP! HAHA!

    Ummmmm, when was that deadline again? 😳


    The dealine is MARCH 11, and please submit before then. If you send in a pic, and then decide you-ve got a better one later, just let me know and I-ll take the later edition. I-ll set up the new thread with the poll on March 13 to allow for the 6-9 hour difference between us, but the deadline is MARCH 11. So far I-ve only got two entries – good ones, but I hope more people enter.


    Cool, no PROBLEM! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    The dealine is MARCH 11, and please submit before then. If you send in a pic, and then decide you-ve got a better one later, just let me know and I-ll take the later edition. I-ll set up the new thread with the poll on March 13 to allow for the 6-9 hour difference between us, but the deadline is MARCH 11. So far I-ve only got two entries – good ones, but I hope more people enter.

    More people yes!
    I’ve been monitoring the progress of this thingy and you are doing a great job. I hope enough people enter to make it competitive, and of course fun.
    So everybody grab a camera of any type and find a picture out there.


    Still at two entries…


      Curious- will the photographer retain all rights to their image once it’s submitted? πŸ™‚

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


      I sure won’t try to use it as mine! But that’s also why I asked whether anyone had a better idea than my putting the images into a Photobucket file…


      Nambroth wrote:

      Curious- will the photographer retain all rights to their image once it’s submitted? πŸ™‚

      Yes of course, but I may ask to be able to sell copies, which will be up to the photographer.


      We’re at three entries.


      3 contest enties;……….. πŸ™„ please!


        Art Slinger wrote:

        3 contest enties;……….. πŸ™„ please!

        πŸ˜† I just sent mine in so that’s al least 4. Don’t worry about it Art, I’m sure we’ll see several more entries.

        A lot of last minute people here? πŸ˜‰


        I just saw it, LIH. I’m beginning to be relieved I can’t vote on this – I wouldn’t know which pic to vote for! πŸ˜†


        Four is more.
        Four score would be much more
        but that’s too much
        to ever wish for.
        ————- πŸ˜• (Thought I might have to enter myself.)


        Five entries, actually. πŸ˜€

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