Photo contest rules and info

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    Art Slinger wrote:

    Since I’ve missed it , or there hasn’t been much discussion about the nature of this contest, I’ll basicly stick to the original plan.
    I have a Young Dragon, new, Peacock, perfect speciman;. set aside as the only prize.
    One prize=one winner. I think that everyone can operate a camera somewhat, some are not great at it, and some are. It’s an art form in that respect;..except that anyone can be in the right place and time to capture a great moment, or sight.
    A photo contest. One photo per person.
    I origially thought zoo pics, then I thought wildlife in general. Now I feel more open to more subjects. You can shoot anything suitable for the general audience;..Except : artworks, posed people,
    anything truly ugly,death,crime,gangs,no gritty stuff. I want great stuff.
    If you see a great car, or building or crowd scene,a racoon on your garbage can, your cat doing something great,(not sleeping please), a brick wall, a traffic jam, someone doing something great, surfers,hang gliders, an artist creating,But not you or a confederate, that’s posed.
    A stunt kite, anything that says to you,”this would be a great shot.” Note to those without lots of experience; if your subject permits, shoot at different angles,distance and times if possible.
    If your using a camera with manual settings, experiment with different shutter speeds and aperture settings (bracket).
    Somehow we need to post these shots all together and I guess we can all vote on them but this will take time if there is a tie.
    Also I’m unsure as to how long a period of time should be allowed, to be fair, but not drag this out too long.
    Maybe a very quick poll on that and my open idea on subject matter. But then we must roll, I had to take the little guy out of the display case so he wouldn’t sell, I don’t want to have to dust him.
    (they hate that).

    I think those rules are pretty clear, so I won’t add too much to them. I imagine a fair time limit would be two weeks or so, starting tomorrow. Therefore:
    Entries must be submitted to me by Monday, March 11.
    You can e-mail your one contest photo to me at
    humvee (at) econophone (dot) ch
    If it’s something really weird or funny, feel free to include a short explanation or story – not more than two sentences.
    After March 11, I’ll post the photos to a new Photo Contest thread with a poll, and the whole forum can vote. You can give your photo a title, if you like, otherwise I’ll just match it to your name on the poll.
    I hope I didn’t forget anything. Have fun! πŸ˜€



    Can it be a photo we took a couple of years ago or must it be new?


    I think the age of the photo shouldn’t matter. I just hope Art doesn’t mind my clarifying some rules since she’s here so rarely.
    So sure, use an old one if you like.


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Art Slinger wrote:

    Since I’ve missed it , or there hasn’t been much discussion about the nature of this contest, I’ll basicly stick to the original plan.
    I have a Young Dragon, new, Peacock, perfect speciman;. set aside as the only prize.
    One prize=one winner. I think that everyone can operate a camera somewhat, some are not great at it, and some are. It’s an art form in that respect;..except that anyone can be in the right place and time to capture a great moment, or sight.
    A photo contest. One photo per person.
    I origially thought zoo pics, then I thought wildlife in general. Now I feel more open to more subjects. You can shoot anything suitable for the general audience;..Except : artworks, posed people,
    anything truly ugly,death,crime,gangs,no gritty stuff. I want great stuff.
    If you see a great car, or building or crowd scene,a racoon on your garbage can, your cat doing something great,(not sleeping please), a brick wall, a traffic jam, someone doing something great, surfers,hang gliders, an artist creating,But not you or a confederate, that’s posed.
    A stunt kite, anything that says to you,”this would be a great shot.” Note to those without lots of experience; if your subject permits, shoot at different angles,distance and times if possible.
    If your using a camera with manual settings, experiment with different shutter speeds and aperture settings (bracket).
    Somehow we need to post these shots all together and I guess we can all vote on them but this will take time if there is a tie.
    Also I’m unsure as to how long a period of time should be allowed, to be fair, but not drag this out too long.
    Maybe a very quick poll on that and my open idea on subject matter. But then we must roll, I had to take the little guy out of the display case so he wouldn’t sell, I don’t want to have to dust him.
    (they hate that).

    I think those rules are pretty clear, so I won’t add too much to them. I imagine a fair time limit would be two weeks or so, starting tomorrow. Therefore:
    Entries must be submitted to me by Monday, March 11.
    You can e-mail your one contest photo to me at
    humvee (at) econophone (dot) ch
    If it’s something really weird or funny, feel free to include a short explanation or story – not more than two sentences.
    After March 11, I’ll post the photos to a new Photo Contest thread with a poll, and the whole forum can vote. You can give your photo a title, if you like, otherwise I’ll just match it to your name on the poll.
    I hope I didn’t forget anything. Have fun! πŸ˜€

    You arent putting the peoples name visable to the pictures where we are voting right? That is if theres no title to the picture as you are stating correct? Or am I reading that wrong? LMAO
    Cause’ I thought we werent supposed to know who’s photo belongs to who, except for you πŸ˜€

    OH, does the size of the picture matter at all?


    Size of the picture shouldn-t matter, I don-t think. As for names…
    You know, DC, I thought names would be published, but on second thought, it would probably be much more exciting not to know who took what. I-ll number the photos and match number to number for the poll.
    I sure hope I-m not messing up Art-s plans with this guessing…


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Size of the picture shouldn-t matter, I don-t think. As for names…
    You know, DC, I thought names would be published, but on second thought, it would probably be much more exciting not to know who took what. I-ll number the photos and match number to number for the poll.
    I sure hope I-m not messing up Art-s plans with this guessing…

    OK, cause’ yea, because there could be favortism if there are names with the pictures…I thought I read that somewhere previously….then again I could be wrong LOL! πŸ˜† 😯


    No, I think you have a point. I-ll use numbers. Much more exciting. And I don-t think I should vote, either, just to keep it fair.


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    No, I think you have a point. I-ll use numbers. Much more exciting. And I don-t think I should vote, either, just to keep it fair.

    I thought that was already established too πŸ˜› πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
    Just pickin on ya hun! LOL! πŸ˜‰

    Yea, as long as YOU know whom they belong to, it really doesnt matter how you label them, as long as thier names arent tied into it somehow.


    It could be that I-m forgetting a lot of things. πŸ˜† But that-s just because it-s way past my usual bedtime over here. The contest will happen in good order, don-t worry. πŸ˜›


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    It could be that I-m forgetting a lot of things. πŸ˜† But that-s just because it-s way past my usual bedtime over here. The contest will happen in good order, don-t worry. πŸ˜›

    NO worries here my friend! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€


    The contest has begun. I just got the first entry. πŸ˜€


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    The contest has begun. I just got the first entry. πŸ˜€

    WOOHOOO! I got to go digging for mine! I probably will e-mail it to you tonight πŸ˜‰ . Mine has a story behind it LOL…It is soooooooo cute πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰ .


    If any contestants are interested in having they’re photo-entry replicated for any reason; ( including having it sold, by me or anyone else), they should not permenently size it down. If you use photo shop or whatever, reduce ,a save for web version ,to e-mail (no less than 600 pixs on the largest dimension.)
    But save the original in the full size, so it won’t fall apart when enlarged.
    G.B. has a good handle on things, I’m sorry that I’m so busy, but I have to consentrate on my business.
    Someone thought the phrase: ” Retailers valley of Death”, was some criptic thingy, but I refer to the slow recovery after the Holiday spending season.
    Here on this beach, that period stretches out till Spring. The shadows in this valley are very tall, very dark, and we could fail to survive this “Off-Season”.
    Also, a short description of events surrounding the photo, are very welcome.
    Have fun, shoot straight, and don’t do anything un-safe to get a great shot, Please.


    Speaking of Photobucket, I thought I would save all the pictures to a separate Photobucket folder in my account. Would anyone prefer to have it done differently?

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