Photo contest results!

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    It should be the 27th for everybody now, so I can finally announce the winner.
    Obviously “Reach” was major favorite, and it won with 43% of 41 votes.
    I’m sure no one will be surprised to know that the proud new owner of Art Slinger’s peacock young dragon is


    I’m not republishing the photo here because at Nam’s request I’ll be removing it from my Photobucket account now that the contest is over.
    Everyone else is welcome to talk about their photos now. Thanks to everyone who entered!



      Congrats Nam!!!!! I really loved that photo!!!! I hope you’re going to tell us a bit about it 😀

      BTW, GB….you did a great job with the contest 😉


      Thanks, star. 😳 😀
      I’m looking forward to Nam’s story, too.


        Congrats! I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more 😀


          Wow guys! I honestly didn’t expect this at all. I really loved many of the other photos.. the marshlands, the tit, the mallard, they were all awesome! I wasn’t going to enter but when GB was posting things like “we’re up to 3 entries!” I felt bad that not many people were participating to I wanted to help.

          I saw the questions all of you had about the photo and had to bite my tongue. Haha..! Even though it looks like it, it was NOT manipulated or Photoshopped. I’ll explain in response to Art Slinger’s request:

          Art Slinger wrote:

          Will we end , and announce the Winner and contestants at 3/27/07 Cal. time . What Hour?
          I very much would also like to see data :
          Settings or Computer / auto.
          How much Photo-Shop enhancement.
          What you were thinking;…theme.
          ( not required, but I am interested.)

          Source? My camera! Hahah. 😀

          Location was Armand Bayou Nature Center/Park which is located in Clear Lake/Pasadena/Houston TX (I’m not sure exactly what city it’s in, I lived in Clear Lake and it was just down the road, but I think it’s technically part of Pasadena).

          My camera is a Sony Cybershot 828. It is a digital camera.

          My lense is fixed and non-removeable as part of the eletronics extend into it. I wish it was a DSLR as I enjoy SLR cameras much more, but you take what you can get!

          Distance? You mean focal distance? I believe I was an infinite.

          Focal Length: 7mm
          Exposure time 1/30th second
          Date taken: 3/7/2004

          Now about the crazy green hue…

          My camera has a ‘nightframing’ mode. Essentially it has an IR (infrared) sensor in the front and when in this mode it acts like night-vision goggles and enhances the natural light in the scene. The downside is that everything is monotone green. Anyone that has seen night vision goggles or has seen a TV program that shows what it looks like knows what I mean. This photo was taken after the sun had set (you can see a star peeking though the clouds) and the light was very, very low. I didn’t have a tripod so I set my camera on a wooden railing and took the photo of the bayou.

          If you want, I have more photos of this area as I frequently went there when I lived in TX…
          None of my photos were manipulated (except a little contrast once in a while.. nothing that someone in a darkroom wouldn’t do!). Photo manipulation is a neat artform, but it doesn’t touch my photos. 🙂

 ( I believe I took this one the same day as “reach”, before the sun went down)

          I have a few more here too:

          I hope that answers everyone’s questions!! Thank you all so much, I’m really honored! (I still like the marshlands photo…)

          So who took what photos?! 😀

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


          Congrats, Nam! Awesome photo!


            Love your photos Nam!!! Thanks for the links!!! I’m glad you could only enter one in the contest. It would be hard to pick a favorite out of all of those. 😀


            Mine was the horse and woman. Meeko and my Mother! The are both hard headed. 😀
            Taken with a 1950s Canon that weighed like 80 tons. ha! No flash…no fancy buttons…just me and the grainy texture.
            She was tring to get him to rear on cue. He was trained to do a bunch of circus tricks…but it had been a while and he was feeling stubborn. He was about 20 years old in the photo. He died about a year later or so.


            Good shooting Nambroth!
            Cool that you could get those effects in night mode.
            (I’ve shot some indoor shots that way but not with the green cast).
            This was my original pick, because of the intense visual, and mood. Though I actually voted for ,”Tufted Tit”, because even with a moderately powerfull telephoto lense , this was excellent work.
            And thanks for the tech-data.( lighting and contrst enhancement are normal adjustments, as you said;…usually performed in a darkrooom.)
            Great pic. Congrates to you. PM me an address and I’ll send the little guy to you.
            As for the remaining shooters, I’d like to hear about your entries as well, please.


            Congrats Nam! Your other photos are great too. You’re an awesome photographer!


              Grats Nam!!!! That was one awesomw pic!

              Mine was Liberty.

              Sadly, I couldn’t give you the info on the camera even if I had wanted….

              Obviously it was taken before 9/11 I think it was in 2000 or ealry ’01. My dad, step-mom and I went for a trip to new york, and were out on the ferry to Stanton Island. The picture is grainy because it was an actual photo that I had to scan in. I’m pretty sure the camera wasn’t a digital, and most likely one of the disposable ones. 😆


                Art Slinger wrote:

                Good shooting Nambroth!
                Cool that you could get those effects in night mode.
                (I’ve shot some indoor shots that way but not with the green cast).
                This was my original pick, because of the intense visual, and mood. Though I actually voted for ,”Tufted Tit”, because even with a moderately powerfull telephoto lense , this was excellent work.
                And thanks for the tech-data.( lighting and contrst enhancement are normal adjustments, as you said;…usually performed in a darkrooom.)
                Great pic. Congrates to you. PM me an address and I’ll send the little guy to you.
                As for the remaining shooters, I’d like to hear about your entries as well, please.

                I’m very honored! I’ve never won anything before!

                I agree, it is very tricky to get wildlife shots like the tit. It’s well done!!

                I will PM you. 🙂

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                My art:


                Who’s photo was Close Encounter? It was one of my favorites.


                It takes a measure of courage to put your art in front of everyone to be voted on..all the pyo artist here know exactly what I way to go to all those who entered and a big CONGRATS to Nam…its a superb shot that actually evokes emotion and that is what art is all about…very well done!!

                Mine was “Tufted tit” I don’t recall when I shot it but it was sometime in Feb and very cold out.

                I used:

                Canon 350d(digital rebel xt) camera
                18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Canon lens
                about 8 foot away handholding using manual focus
                55mm at f/5.6
                exposure 1/250th of a second

                I usually use a 75-300mm f4-5.6 IS for birds but was out shooting something else and luckily got close enough to use the 55mm. I did use Photoshop for crop and position..but nothing else added.

                If anyone wants to see any of my other bird pics you can go here then click on the pic for a larger version.

                Once again congrats to Nam!!


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