Phone call last night from a good friend.

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      Laurie wrote:

      And Nat, If you read this, get off the phone!!! Been trying to call for a week now.
      😳 Sorry I haven’t been on the phone but more like trying to update Windows and the antvirus….internet keeps on timing out! 😑


      Blackdesertwind wrote:

      Dragon87 wrote:

      You could always get Skype too… it’s free if the other person also has Skype, all it requires is an internet connection, microphone, and speakers. πŸ™‚

      And you’re not the only one who needs a life….. πŸ™„ πŸ˜†
      Thanks Dragon, I’ll look into that. BTW too bad we are far from each other. I would go out with you to movies or hiking. It’s great for hiking here near my place. πŸ™‚
      I just saw this, and I love hiking! It is too bad that we are kinda across the country (I was initially planning a trip out that way this year, but I can’t afford it now, with the wedding and all).

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