Phone call last night from a good friend.

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      It was about 9PM or so I had just got to bed after reading a few pages from a book. Just when I was pulling the covers over myself I got a phone call.
      Murphy’s law the phone was not on it’s base beside the bed. I almost didn’t get up but decide to get it anyway. I never get any calls and was wondering who would call me at 9PM.
      It was Laurie! Our Laurie.
      I was so happy to hear her voice! 😀
      I missed her terribly!
      Since I’m in my new place I don’t have the long distance plan anymore for lack of money.
      I can’t call my friends anymore.
      It gets really lonely.
      We didn’t talk for long maybe for 10 minutes but it was enough to make my evening and my day today.
      We should stay in touch with our friends even if it’s just for a few minutes.
      Thank you Laurie for your call and hope your day was good today because mine sure was because of your call.

      😳 OK guys you can say I’m weird and crazy but friendship means everything to me since I have no siblings and don’t go out much 😛 …comme to think of it if at all 😮 . Holy cow I need a life! 🙄



          That’s so great! I have a number for you, but I have no idea if it’s the right one. If you have internet, you could go with Vonage. 23$ a month, 500 minutes within North America!

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            dragonmedley wrote:

            That’s so great! I have a number for you, but I have no idea if it’s the right one. If you have internet, you could go with Vonage. 23$ a month, 500 minutes within North America!

            I was on distributel for $17 before tax a month I could call unlimited anywhere anytime in Canada and the US. So this is how bad it is for me since I’m renting….can’t even afford that. 🙁


              Actually, with Vonage, the 23$ covers your basic service and the long distance. You also get voicemail and call display. You don’t need Bell or anything.

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                dragonmedley wrote:

                Actually, with Vonage, the 23$ covers your basic service and the long distance. You also get voicemail and call display. You don’t need Bell or anything.

                But wouldn’t I need bell for my internet for dial up since there is no cables yet for the internet in my area?


                  Ah, I see! You need either highspeed or cable. Never mind. Carry along, nothing to see… 😈

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    dragonmedley wrote:

                    Ah, I see! You need either highspeed or cable. Never mind. Carry along, nothing to see… 😈

                    Awwwww. I was just looking at their website and I was looking forward to telling bell they could forget about me as a client but I guess I’ll be still at their mercy. :negative: 🙄


                    Wheee! Laurie really is the forum’s Grandma – always there when you need her.


                      Greater Basilisk wrote:

                      Wheee! Laurie really is the forum’s Grandma – always there when you need her.

                      Hey now!!!! Are you callin me old? 😉 XD XD XD


                      You could always get Skype too… it’s free if the other person also has Skype, all it requires is an internet connection, microphone, and speakers. 🙂

                      And you’re not the only one who needs a life….. 🙄 😆


                        Dragon87 wrote:

                        You could always get Skype too… it’s free if the other person also has Skype, all it requires is an internet connection, microphone, and speakers. 🙂

                        And you’re not the only one who needs a life….. 🙄 😆
                        Thanks Dragon, I’ll look into that. BTW too bad we are far from each other. I would go out with you to movies or hiking. It’s great for hiking here near my place. 🙂


                        Awww! that was wonderful! You made me remember that Laurie called me once when I was having a really tough time, and I almost forgot about that. She is wonderful-Laurie, you are wonderful!


                          …. I am srsly thinking that I should give Laurie my number XD kidding


                            BRoS wrote:

                            …. I am srsly thinking that I should give Laurie my number XD kidding

                            XD XD Send it on!! 😉 XD XD

                            And Nat, If you read this, get off the phone!!! Been trying to call for a week now.

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