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      OK…that goes to one of my major pet peeves….when an american company outsources to another country….and pays them maybe $1 an hour to do something they really don’t know how to do….

      there’s this whole thing about BUY USA….but US companies usually don’t employ US workers…

      I’d rather buy something from foreign companies made by US workers than from US companies made by foreign workers…

      and my first language is English…so I want to talk to someone that comprehends and adequately speaks english…

      hence….I never call dell for anything….even though I do have a dell laptop…but I use the Sony laptop I have more….because they have great customer service…and they all are understandable on the phone….


      Jennifer wrote:

      sunhawk wrote:

      1) People who are rude to salespeople. I felt this way before I worked in retail but now I really don’t like it, even when I’m not working and I’m just another customer in the store. Some salesclerks are not helpful and some can even be jerks too, but most are trying to do the best they can and being pissy does nothing. People seem to have this idea that if they make a fuss, they’ll get what they want faster, which is so selfish I could bite something.

      Oh man! That’s a good one, one of mine too. As someone that was on the receiving end of crazy customers for YEARS, it horrifies me when people are unnecessarily rude or worse to customer service people / people working at stores etc. There are so many people that are selfish and feel entitled to throw a tantrum to get things how they want. The worst part is that there are a lot of people out there that would report a salesperson’s ‘shortcomings’ (even though most of the time it’s not the salesperson’s fault- they are probably bound by company rules and policies!!) to a manager or the parent company, and that puts said person’s livelihood at stake. I feel like screaming at those people, ‘by complaining over petty item X, you may be robbing that person of their grocery or rent money!’. I am of the strong opinion that most people need to live at both ends of the spectrum so that they can appreciate their lives. (this isn’t directed to anyone here!!) Live poor for a month. You’ll better understand both sides and hopefully have a far better appreciation for what they go though.

      Ohhh yeah, threats like that are great. Generally I’ve noticed that the people who try to make threats like that are those trying to get away with something to start with, I don’t know if they do it as a diversion tactic or to try to make themselves look more innocent.

      My other pet peeeve is when someone wants the store to do something and uses “I spent $300 here a week ago!” as some sort of “Don’t question me, do what I want!!” sort of response. I mean, the store cares about return customers and I do too to that extent, but it’s not like I’m going to do anything LESS to help those who haven’t spent a dime in the store yet. Regardless of how much people spend, I will still do what I can to help them or sort them out.


      lamortefille wrote:

      Jennifer wrote:

      lamortefille wrote:

      The flip side: Cashiers that can’t make change without the register telling them the amount. 🙄

      I had to keep a calculator at my register when I was a cashier, in case this happened. I cannot do math that quickly in my head. Especially under the stress of cashiering retail where you have to be quick to please the customer and keep your line flowing. I remember being frustrated when people would ask me how I ever made it out of school without being able to do math mentally under pressure. I graduated with honors! :/

      I can’t do math in my head, either. 😕 At least you were smart enough to have a calculator handy. I carry one around with me. lol I’m not saying people can’t have limitations, just that they need to adjust for them. 😉

      Can’t do either! And even with the register, sometimes mistakes happen too, like the one time I misplaced a decimal place while entering the cash I was given :X Fixed it but gave myself a heartattack at the change amount shown LOL

      I think when you are trying do twelve things at once at cash, your brain is going too fast to do simple things like 10-5=? so it stutters over the question about 20 times before you slow your brain down enough to DO the question LOL


      frozendragon wrote:

      lamortefille wrote:

      purplecat wrote:

      Jennifer wrote:

      lamortefille wrote:

      The flip side: Cashiers that can’t make change without the register telling them the amount. 🙄

      I had to keep a calculator at my register when I was a cashier, in case this happened. I cannot do math that quickly in my head. Especially under the stress of cashiering retail where you have to be quick to please the customer and keep your line flowing. I remember being frustrated when people would ask me how I ever made it out of school without being able to do math mentally under pressure. I graduated with honors! :/

      Oh man…I AM TERRIBLE AT MATH!!!! When I cashiered I couldn’t STAND the folks who would be rude because I needed a calculator! Every person has strengths and weaknesses. My worst weakness is math…I’m soooo bad at it….and my husband is a math whiz, buuuut he can’t draw or do art, which is what comes naturally for me. It’s not that I didn’t try to learn math…it just won’t connect for me. 🙄

      People were rude to you about using a calculator, too? (See my answer to Nam)

      Does anybody else butt in when a customer gives a cashier a hard time for something that’s not their fault? I just can’t resist sometimes…

      I do…I used to work at a retail store…and it so made me mad when people called me stupid….because I didn’t automatically know what they wanted….when they gave a vague description of something we didn’t even sell…

      one time I was at the store and some old man kept calling the cashier stupid….and well I said something to him about it…..that I can’t really repeat here….. 😈

      Ohhhh I love when that happnens :X The other day, a customer asked me did we have book titled X? and I asked “Hmmm not sure offhand, do you know the author? Because we organize our shelves by author rather than title” and got a “No, I don’t” response so I paused and went “Hmmmmm…” outloud for a moment while scanning the shelves and thinking. After I started with “Well miss, I’m not sure, this would be the section a book like that would be in, we can look…” she replied with a bitchy “Can you get someone who KNOWS your product?” reply and silently I was like …. lady, no one could possibly know EVERY SINGLE BOOK we have on the shelf RIGHT NOW: not the book records, not the computer, not even the person who restocks books! Find out the author and we MAY get somewhere!

      Of course, I randomly found the book she had been looking for a few hours later LOL


      ddvm wrote:

      Incompetent support staff at Comcast.

      Last Tuesday I couldn’t get on the internet. Since I don’t know much about how computers work I called Comcast. I told the 1st guy that it had worked fine Sunday but then my ferret Buckbeak got into the office and I was worried he had done something to the modem. So we checked a bunch of stuff. Nothing worked. So he had me reset the modem which disconnected the call. Didn’t work. Called back and talked to a 2nd guy. Went through the same story. Tried a bunch more stuff. He sent me to Microsoft who sent me to Dell.

      Talked to a woman at Dell with a very heavy Indian accent (she was very hard to understand) for AN HOUR AND A HALF! She went through everything we had already tried and refused to listen that I had tried all that. Then she want to reset the computer to the factory settings. HECK NO! I’ve had it for over 2 years and I wasn’t wiping it. Plus I figured it wouldn’t work. So she tried more stuff after talking to her supervisor. It was pretty obvious she was just going down a check list. Finally she says it’s the modem and sends me back to Comcast.

      I talked to a 3rd guy at Comcast and tell him the whole story. And I mention the light pattern on the modem and he says, I kid you not, “Oh, God.” Excuse me? Then he says “Try pressing the white standby button on the front of the modem.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!!! I push the button and I’m back on the internet. NEITHER of the 1st two guys asked about the lights. I’m embarrassed to say I completely lost it on the poor guy. I wasn’t rude to him – he fixed the problem in less than 2 minutes – but I had spent nearly 3 HOURS trying to get this fixed and I had so much to do (a lot of which I didn’t get done) that I just started crying. 😳 He was really sweet. He credited my account one month internet service and when I pointed out that didn’t cover the Dell fee he gave me a second month.

      Then when I called customer service an hour later because I was still 👿 she freaked for me. She said that the first question the guys are supposed to ask is “which lights are on on the modem” because she used to do it. So she got the internet supervisor who said the 1st 2 nincompoops were going to get more training and she gave me 6 months of free HBO. So I’m going to go watch Nanny McPhee.

      But still. 3 HOURS to push a stupid button.

      A major pet peeve.

      Holy poop. But at least they gave you something to recompensate! If you had wasted your time like that with Rogers, they wouldn’t have given you anything! LOL I have called that stupid company about so many different things (phone plan, cable problems, modem problems, account problems) and they are sooooo useless.

      That reminds me of another pet peeve: When phone or internet companies charge you a fee for something ridiculous, like the time it cost me $60 to reactiviate my phone line. Everything was already in place from last year, the guy just needed to send the digital order in to make the phoneline active again with our number. SIXTY BUCKS!

      That wasn’t even the icing on the cake, the best was when my flatmates and I tried to get a phone through Sprint once: After TWO MONTHS we gave up because we kept calling to ask when our account would be active and they said “For sure by monday” over and over, and then they had the GALL to send us a bill for long-distance phonecalls! HOW DO YOU MAKE LONGDISTANCE PHONECALLS ON AN INACTIVE PHONE?!! *ROFL*


      Jennifer wrote:

      lamortefille wrote:

      The flip side: Cashiers that can’t make change without the register telling them the amount. 🙄

      I had to keep a calculator at my register when I was a cashier, in case this happened. I cannot do math that quickly in my head. Especially under the stress of cashiering retail where you have to be quick to please the customer and keep your line flowing. I remember being frustrated when people would ask me how I ever made it out of school without being able to do math mentally under pressure. I graduated with honors! :/

      I can’t do it in my head either, I have a calculator at my cashier’s desk. I had to use it the other day and this woman totally came down on me because I wasn’t fast with it and that I couldn’t do it in my head. Then she got mad at me when I wouldn’t just take her word for it that I was supposed to give her X amount of dollars back. Apparently I “insulted” her when I wouldn’t take her word for it and she made me feel like crap. She had another woman with her and as they were standing there and I had my back turned to them to figure it out in the machine, she whispers to her friend how stupid I was. 🙁 It’s not every day you get a bad customer, but I hate when I get them.


      Dragon Master wrote:

      Leigha wrote:

      Mostly Holiday shoppers: People who take a number at the jewelry counter who have no intention of looking at or buying jewelry, expecting that line to be faster, and who get seriously bent out of shape when that line moves no faster IF NOT SLOWER than the other lines because other people actually want to LOOK at JEWELRY at the JEWELRY COUNTER. THEN want to complain about your slow service to your manager… 👿

      People who tell you your customer service is bad, then expect you to be all peaches and cream and help them find exactly what it is they’re looking for…and half the time, they don’t even know what they’re looking for…

      I’ll stop there…

      Can you guess where I work? -_-

      Close, Mervyns. We sell A LOT of jewelry, so it’s not just me wanting to do nothing standing behind the counter(which would get super boring) while everyone else deals with huge lines (not that we’re EVER allowed to just stand there doing nothing “GO CLEAN SOMETHING UP!). We get our own huge lines too. They don’t seem to get that though…


      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      lamortefille wrote:

      eaglefeather831, if they say something to you at the mall, make sure you point out all of the young girls walking around barely dressed. 🙄

      Oooohhh…that’s a good one because it’s one of my pet peeves as well! Yikes! My daughter will never be allowed to wear barely nothing! I have even seen little 6 year old girls wearing short-short skirts and they were walking with their mothers.

      Mothers who dress their young daugthers in “slutty” clothing. I just want to slap them.


        Mothers who smoke while pregnant or people who smoke in the car with children in there. B@$+@rd$!!!


        lamortefille wrote:

        eaglefeather831, if they say something to you at the mall, make sure you point out all of the young girls walking around barely dressed. 🙄

        Very good point, lamortefille.


        skigod377 wrote:

        Fail her Emerald. Another fine example of people who want things handed to them. As you have already probably decided, dont be lenient next time. As my BF says… there is a standard. You either meet it or you dont. If you dont, then you fail. Dont just give these kids what others in the class have to work for. 🙂 STICK TO YOUR GUNS GIRL!! Dang… I am peeved now, too.



        skigod377 wrote:

        Mothers who smoke while pregnant or people who smoke in the car with children in there. B@$+@rd$!!!

        Yup. 😆


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        Fail her Emerald. Another fine example of people who want things handed to them. As you have already probably decided, dont be lenient next time. As my BF says… there is a standard. You either meet it or you dont. If you dont, then you fail. Dont just give these kids what others in the class have to work for. 🙂 STICK TO YOUR GUNS GIRL!! Dang… I am peeved now, too.


        Ditto ditto 😀
        And I am a student. I hate it when other students who don’t put in the time and effort in a class that I do wind up getting the same or a better grade in the class simply because either A) they know the teacher or B) the teacher doesn’t care enough to flunk the student. You get what you put into a class. And if you flunk it, you learn from it.


          ddvm, I feel your pain re: Comcast. My husband never calls them unless the problem is on their end and he gets the same runaround. He’s fussed with them so many times, I swear a red light and siren comes on at their end when he calls. *Red Alert* 😆 It’s true they answer from a script and have no knowledge if you deviate from it. Good for you getting some free service, esp. b/c their line is, “We’ll have somebody out there in 7 to 10 days to look at your problem. 😕 We have no one available any sooner”. Um…how about the guys that sit at Wawa or along Rt. 9 all the time? They’re not doing anything. *silence*

          About the 6 year olds wearing short shorts….were they wearing thongs, too? I just love the women that dress little girls like tramps and then wonder why they are pregnant at 14 (or younger). 😡


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          Mothers who smoke while pregnant or people who smoke in the car with children in there. B@$+@rd$!!!

          Yup. 😆

          Totally agree.

          I nearly killed my own sister. When my niece was a teenager she had pneumonia so she was in one part of the kitchen doing a nebulizing treatment and my sister “was on the other side” smoking! 😯 Hello! Smoke travels. You think the fact that my niece was constantly exposed to 2nd hand smoke may have made it worse?

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