People Suck. – now with news Article and video!

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  • #742507

    People do suck (very appropriate). Sucks about the tires, for sure.

    As for punk kids – we had a few shooting guns at cars (empty parked ones, at least) last night. Since I was practically asleep I thought I was dreaming it. But my roommie phoned it in. 🙄

    Can I move yet? *checks bank account* Darn.


      So sorry. I agree that it must have been kids. They dont usually understand the heardships and ramifications when they do stuff like that. They just do it and laugh for a while, then forget. They wont feel remorse till they grow up.


        I just don’t remember kids being this bad when I was one. I would never have thought of damaging other people’s property, nor would any of my friends. I’m sorry you have to replace your tires Rusty.


          Sorry you have to replace you tires. That really sucks.

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            Sorry you had to replace your tires. I did too, last week, but it wasn’t from maliciousness. It was from natural wear causing a flat.


              I have a $100 deductible on my insurance, but they’re paying for the rest and my dad’s coming up this evening to put them on so I will have only been without my mini-beast for a day.

              Apparently they got over a dozen cars. They started at my block, went down another block and then over two more, so they just had a nice little spree there. Buttmunches.

              I doubt the cops will be able to to find out who it was unless a miracle occurs. My building-mates are asking the landlord for more light out in the lot now.


                Added edit.

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