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    lamortefille wrote:

    I was 22….that should make you feel better, PT. 😆

    Any of you other “mature” ladies notice that skinny jeans tucked into boots has come back in style? 😉

    UGH Please no. I love my boot cut jeans. Guess I better stock up 😀


      khat7 wrote:

      I’ll be 49 in April. Some days I wonder how a kid like me got stuck in this old fat body, 😕 😆
      Than there are those other days ……… 😡 🙂

      Hear Hear! I just turned…..49 and holding.

      Khat –Love that siggy quote.


        khat7 wrote:

        lamortefille wrote:

        I was 22….that should make you feel better, PT. 😆

        Any of you other “mature” ladies notice that skinny jeans tucked into boots has come back in style? 😉

        UGH Please no. I love my boot cut jeans. Guess I better stock up 😀

        I think I will pass this time around, too.

        Look: Big hair and skinny jeans! 😆


        lamortefille wrote:

        Any of you other “mature” ladies notice that skinny jeans tucked into boots has come back in style? 😉

        NOOO! Please, not another decade of having your pants hike up your calves every time you sit down, and stay hiked when you stand up! >.< I nearly got frostbitten shins every winter, and having my scaly winter legs exposed to the world is not a Friendly Neighbor gesture!

        You know what comes next on the torture wheel of fashion, don’t you? Jeans with tight pegged lower legs and gigantic bloomer tops! So we can all look like huge blue turnips again, only twenty years more “settled” in our figures.

        (I am being a little silly here. Although I think of ’80s jeans fashions as one of the worst aspects of the decade, I now know where to go to find wearer-friendly jeans regardless of the fickle winds of fashion. To the Western Warehouse, faster than lightning! Bwahahaha! 😈 )


          😆 😆 😆


            GASP! Please tell me those aren’t leg warmers or bunchy socks… We wore those in Cali even though it never really got cold enough to justify it! The only people who should be allowed to wear those things are dancers…




            Barrdwing wrote:

            lamortefille wrote:

            Any of you other “mature” ladies notice that skinny jeans tucked into boots has come back in style? 😉

            NOOO! Please, not another decade of having your pants hike up your calves every time you sit down, and stay hiked when you stand up! >.< I nearly got frostbitten shins every winter, and having my scaly winter legs exposed to the world is not a Friendly Neighbor gesture!

            You know what comes next on the torture wheel of fashion, don’t you? Jeans with tight pegged lower legs and gigantic bloomer tops! So we can all look like huge blue turnips again, only twenty years more “settled” in our figures.

            (I am being a little silly here. Although I think of ’80s jeans fashions as one of the worst aspects of the decade, I now know where to go to find wearer-friendly jeans regardless of the fickle winds of fashion. To the Western Warehouse, faster than lightning! Bwahahaha! 😈 )

            I shall never be a “bloomin blue turnip” again! or any other color 😉
            I’ll meet you at the Western store later 🙂
            * walks off mumbling trying to remember where keys and debit card are*


              twindragonsmum wrote:

              GASP! Please tell me those aren’t leg warmers or bunchy socks… We wore those in Cali even though it never really got cold enough to justify it! The only people who should be allowed to wear those things are dancers…


              They are not leg warmers (with Capezios!)…I never went for the Flashdance look. lol They are Wigwams (scrunchy socks), which I still wear today under my jeans – I hate tight socks. 😉

              lol @ gigantic bloomer tops, khat. I haven’t seen those reappear yet, but I’ve seen the long tunic sweaters over jeans recently. At least the sweaters look like they fit the girls. I didn’t really like the “My sweater/jacket/whatever shrunk in the wash and now the sleeves are too short and it doesn’t cover my belly anymore” look. 😆 Anyway all that high fashion is for the young….I prefer to be comfortable.


                Comfort is key. I refuse to wear low cut jeans…I really so do not want people to see my underwear. And I am not going to wear a dental floss thong between my cheeks just to look cool.


                  LOL the eighties! I remember all the styles, tho I was too young to really wear them

                  Also back are the leggings with a big baggy shirt over them and the dressy flat shoes or wearing a slim denim skirt over the leggings. I remember wearing these, and I still look awful! 😛


                  Jasmine wrote:

                  Comfort is key. I refuse to wear low cut jeans…I really so do not want people to see my underwear. And I am not going to wear a dental floss thong between my cheeks just to look cool.

                  I agree. Those damn low rise jeans are everywhere that it’s so hard to find jeans that will fit up over your hip bone. I hate low risers. You sit down and suddenly youre transformed into a repair man wearing his heavy tool belt bending over… SAY NO TO CRACK!

                  As for the leggings and long shirts- I actually love that look and since the 80s or whenever they fell out of fashion, Ive worn the style now and then but it would be nice for them to come back in style. I mostly wear Justin boots with them, though. But I dabble in other foot wear depending on occasion.


                    well this is a shot BACK to the 80’s for sure!!


                    I loved being a teen in the 80s. In fact, Im still stuck in the 80s music rut… and loving every minute of it! For me, the 80s ruled. Best years of my life.

                    Yes, Im fully aware I sound like a VH1 promo 😆


                      I’m stuck in the 80’s music wise too


                        80’s music… as in 80’s hair? Retro? Country? There where a lot of GREAT songs in the 80’s!!! Besides for the country…

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